Thank You All…
For the Very Kind Thoughts and Well-Wishes… Very much appreciated. And as each day goes by I notice the shoulder less and less and do more and more. Every-so-often I move wrong or try a little too much and it reminds me. But otherwise no issues. I don’t even think I have taken Advil (my pain medication of choice) for a while now. Kris is thinking of doing one more month of writing challenge to really keep her going through all the business stuff. If tomorrow she is 100% certain I will put it up on Teachable and announce it here. Two days left in the May challenge. How is…
Another Rest Day…
Wow, Did I Need It… Eight hours of sleep and three naps and a bunch of television. I managed to cook dinner, do my laundry, and a bunch of research. Past that, just resting. Tomorrow I will be back at it. Maybe even have a blog that does more than hold my streak.
Novella Classes
First Novella Class Starts Tuesday… You can see the information for each 3-month class on WMGWriterStore.com The first class is Science Fiction Novellas. Nine weeks of classes and one month of writing. 4 different genres over the year. For more information, go to the writer store and watch the videos that Kris did about the classes. And the new quarters of Motivational Monday and Creative Survival have started. And April regular workshops are up as well. The second quarter of the year is a great time to reset, maybe start a challenge. Short story per week is a great challenge to get you to the computer every week. And if…
Yes, A T-Shirt and a Mug…
To Everyone In the Challenge Yourself… Challenge Yourself to write 2,024 words per day for 2024. Get a mug with the cool saying on it and a t-shirt (Lifetime Everything folks can buy the mug and t-shirt.) just for signing up. See the previous post for more details on the challenges. LAST DAY FOR THE TARGETED SALE… All lifetime subscription and a few other bundles are half price only through the 1st. Check out the details here… Also the bundle for the new 52 week class CREATIVE SURVIVAL is in that sale and also the bundle for the new MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY. Advanced Craft Classes 2024 Starting Up These are nine-week…
No Time Tonight
For Another Part… Workshop here in town and also doing the Study Along and I have to get some writing in, so doing a long blog not happening. You got questions about the first seven parts, feel free to ask. Off to get some sleep.
Challenges and Other Stuff
Two Weeks Into the Writing Challenge… Those who jumped into the full challenge or the half challenge can see where I am at to the right of this post. As expected, a little slow start for me, but still rebuilding habits lost over the six months of bad eyes, and also had a lot of things to finish up these last two weeks. So pretty happy with the number. So now, it picks up speed some over the next few weeks. I also really changed a ton of other things, like eating habits and exercise. I got a lot of weight to lose as the writing speed increases. (I might…
Sale Extended Until Wednesday Night…
Numbers of Reasons We Extended the Sale a Few More Days!! First is we wanted everyone who wanted to get into the Dean challenges a chance. They will close on Wednesday for sign-ups. Second, the April Regular workshops will all be started and we wanted to give everyone a chance to get them on the sale. We talked about starting some new workshops, but will hold off until May and also start new ones in June, July, and August. So this sale is a great time to get the Lifetime Workshop Subscription. Not only is it jammed packed with classes, but new ones coming through the summer. The April regular…
Second Part of My New Challenge…
I Should Have Set This Up From January 1st… I started off the year with the challenge to write a short story per day for the entire year. I did fine for three months until the very issue I had been worried about before I started finally caught up with me. I wrote some stories through the summer, but back at my normal pace of about 50 new short stories per year. I was going to do 100 stories in the last 100 days, but the day before I was to start that, Kris and I were talking and I said, “I can’t figure out why my critical voice is…
Good Time for a Challenge
Beginning of July… Six months until the end of the year. Always a great time to start a challenge. I’m going to fire at 12 novels in six months. And yes, already got started on the first one tonight. Got four challenges on Teachable. Write six novels in one year (one every two months), write a novella per month, write a short story per week, or publish a major book every month. All four of those challenges will really make the second half of this year be a focused and good one. (I just looked at those and went “Doing all four at the same time would be great fun.”…
Challenge Mixed Bag
Didn’t Hit It, but Still All Right… My challenge starting in 2022 was to write a short story per day. 365 days. I knew clear back in November when I finished the 70 Books in my 70th Year and started thinking about this challenge again that I would have trouble with it. And not for most writer’s reasons. I knew I would have trouble keeping track and doing something with all the stories. I thought I had that solved. Nope. I wrote 31 stories in January and a story every day in February and a story per day for the first half of March… Going fine, having no issues other…