Challenge,  workshops

Story A Day Challenge Going Great!

And I Am Still Having Fun!

Tonight I got a few more stories spellchecked and ready for Kris to read, and then worked on a Bryant Street story.  The stories I got ready for Kris were a Poker Boy story and a Seeders Universe story. So I am all over the map.

With luck, my new Shopify Store will be ready and I will have together and in the publishing process the first two or three ten-story collections.

So going along with the writing just fine, slowly building up the publishing side. Got to have that publishing side or like the last time I tried this challenge, I will bog down and stop.

Thank You, Kickstarter Backers…

Marble Grant Kickstarter did great. All backers will get an extra ten of my stories, plus four classic workshops on writing  Character worth $600. Those and the other non-Marble Grant books will go out after the surveys are back. The four Marble Grant books will take a little longer.

But thank you for the support, folks. Really appreciate it.


This class on WMG Teachable is something Kris really wanted to do. She will be recording videos every week and they will come out on Monday some time. No assignments, just learning about how some craft things have changed in the 21st century. She recorded the first week or so today for Monday.

9 Weeks of Mondays. Early bird price is $200 until Monday, then it goes to $250.

Here is the video of Kris explaining what she plans.