Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

Stories #4 and #5 for February…

Somehow Managed to Do Them…

So the challenge is still going. I have totally failed at trying to write during the day, but will get that changed as well shortly.

Tomorrow, since we have cleaners swarming all over our place in the afternoon, I will be heading out to our storage unit for two reasons. I will be looking for more of our author’s copies (missing dozens and dozens of boxes of them… yes, the storage unit is that big…) and at some point I will dig into a bunch of boxes of digests and do more sheets of half titles.

I have a good thousand or so half titles already that I sort of scan through to give my creative voice a place to start each story, but can’t hurt to have a few hundred more fresh ones. (grin)

So challenge still limping along.


It got off to a fantastic start. Funded in just over an hour and hit first stretch goal in about 12 hours and is just a bit short of the second stretch goal that has a free writer’s workshop for all backers. So wow, simply wow. Thank you all for supporting the fun campaign.

Also the two workshops in this one might be the most fun workshops we have done. I know I am going to have a blast with them, since Marble Grant and Sims are both ghosts in Las Vegas who love to party, love each other, and love to help people.

Here is the information from the campaign about the two special workshops…


This is a special three-week workshop on how to write ghost stories of all types. From comedy ghost stories like TOPPER and MARBLE GRANT to horrific ghost stories and hauntings and suspense that will keep your reader up all night with the lights on.

And there is a short story to write for the third week’s assignments that Dean will read for Pulphouse Fiction Magazineand if he likes it, he will suggest you send it to him as a submission. No requirement to do so.

This special workshop will only be offered through this Kickstarter. Plus you get the four volumes of MARBLE GRANT books in electronic editions.


This is a special three-week workshop on how to write paranormal creatures of all kinds in all genres. Vampire, werewolves, and talking bats who only speak in one-liners. Even Alexa and Siri could be considered paranormal creatures. All kinds, nothing off limits in this class.

And there is a short story to write for the third week’s assignments that Dean will read for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine and if he likes it, he will suggest you send it to him as a submission. No requirement to do so

This special workshop will only be offered through this Kickstarter. Plus you get the four volumes of MARBLE GRANT in electronic editions.

Plus you can get both for a discount. They will be offered in March.

Here is the link to it. Marble Grant Kickstarter

Take a look at the fun little video Kris did for Marble. (Might have to click twice to start it.)


  • James Palmer

    My wife bought a big box of several years worth of old Analog SF magazines, maybe a few Asimov’s, at an estate sale a year or so back. I thought about making a spreadsheet of all the story titles so I could mash titles together to make a story like you’re doing. The amount of time involved always stops me.

    • dwsmith

      Oh, heavens yes, way too much time, James. I just have a legal yellow pad, and never copy an entire title, just half a title down one side and then the next side making two columns, getting about 50 half titles per yellow legal sheet. Takes about 25-40 digests to get that depending on the decade. (Not kidding… some decades had better titles from writers.)

      I have over twenty of those sheets now that I just sort of look at until my eye catches a half title, then I sort of remember that and keep scrolling until I see another half title that my creative voice says “fun” and off I go.

      I would never spend the time to do a spread sheet or even look at it after that.