Challenge,  workshops

Reading Manuscripts…

Getting Ready for the Anthology Workshop Next Week…

I really love reading all the stories, especially since I am reading them as the editor of Pulphouse. All the stories were written for FictionRiver anthologies, but I am reading them as well in hopes the editor of the anthology doesn’t like a story I like.

Great fun!!

And for those who backed the Pulphouse Kickstarter, the August guidelines for the story have been sent out. If you missed it, check your spam filter and if not there and you are a backer, go to the Kickstarter, the August rules are there. Looking forward to reading those stories in September.

And remember, if you want to sign up for the Adventure In-Person class next August, I will help you get ready by reading one of your stories every two weeks. Information a few posts back.

And if anyone is interested, for just the next few days we are opening up for the first time LIFETIME IN-PERSON subscription. $3,000 fee, no discounts or credits. Write me for details, but only open for the next couple of days. Only time it has been open for eight years.