Focus Bundle to Learn Characterization…
Again, By Writer Request… Got off my bundle schedule for another day and did a F0cus Bundle on Characterization and how to write great characters. I am sure having a good time grouping these classes and putting them in an order to be the best to learn. We did so many of these classes over a number of years and not in this order. We just weren’t that smart to them in order. (grin) If you have a lifetime subscription to the Workshops, you have most of this one already. Of course, Everything Subscriptions and Lifetime Workshop subscriptions are half price right now in this bundle sale. See below for…
Focus Bundle to Learn Beyond Simple Depth
A New Focus Bundle and the Bundle Sale Continues… Classes to take to really learn how to use depth in your stories beyond the basic depth classes. They are all in this new bundle. This is in response to a couple of questions about what to learn after the basic foundational depth classes. I realized we had done a full bundles worth more. So here is… FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN BEYOND SIMPLE DEPTH… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is… 1…Plotting with Depth 2…Information Flow 3…Pacing 4…Power Words 5…Cliffhangers 6…Creating Tension 7…Emotion Here are the other four FOCUS BUNDLES so far. FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN DEPTH… The…
Connection Issues
Internet Down All Day… Actually it went down when I was writing my blog last night, so I used my hotspot on my phone to finish. In six years in this town, our internet service has been down for maybe an hour four or five times over the years. Stunning service and reliability, so suddenly this happening was really strange. And Cox was texting us every hour or so with updates. Stunningly organized on their part. We discovered after we got back from the Aces game (wow are they having issues at the moment) that a hub for Cox had a fire late last night. They got back up all…
Something Big!
Trying to Figure Out What Big Thing to Do! I am in my 50th year since selling my first two short stories. And this fall I turn 74 and I would really like to challenge myself in that year before I turn 75. It has been a hard few years for me and I want to come out of them screaming forward. (grin) I keep coming up with all sorts of really fun (for me) ideas. And really crazy. I mean really, really off the beam when it comes to writing and publishing. Asimov is known for doing a lot of books in his lifetime. A vast number of them…
Last Day to Join Kris’s Summer Challenge…
Her Challenge Will Be Closed off Late Tonight… This challenge was something Kris really wanted to do to keep herself focused for at least a few hours a day on writing instead of all the business stuff. It worked for her in May and she wanted to extend it through the summer. Every day you get a letter from Kris about her day and her writing. Eye-opening and don’t expect her to ever do this again after this summer. So today is the last day to jump in. Might just be the best thing you can do for your writing for the summer. And for me right now, I have…
Four Focus Bundles Now Available…
New Science Fiction Focus Bundle Up Today… Here is the list of the four Focus Bundles now available and the classes in them. FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN DEPTH… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is… 1… Depth 2… Advanced Depth 3… Applied Depth 4… Research 5… Born on Page One 6… Automatic Depth 7… Depth in Action FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN PRODUCTIVITY… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is… 1… Productivity 2… Clean First Draft 3… Writing into the Dark 4… Speed 5… Prolific 6… Pulp Speed 7… Stamina FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN BASIC WRITING BUSINESS The order to take the classes inside the…
What Is A Weekend?
A Great Question That Applies to Professional Writers… Kris and I honestly at times don’t know what day of the week it is. For example, tonight, on the way home from the Aces’s game, we ran into a bunch of traffic right near the Art’s District near where we live. Neither one of us could figure out what was going on until finally Kris said, “Oh, it’s first Friday.” First Friday of every month there is a massive arts’ fair in the downtown area. Even though earlier we had done a normal Friday lunch with writers and I had done a webinar that is always late Friday, neither of our…
New Focus Bundle
That Makes Three Now Available But first, ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT to sign up for Kris’s Summer Challenge… A great way to get yourself motivated to write through the summer. That is what Kris is using it for. Check it out and get a letter from her every night about writing. It will be motivating. Okay, here are the three new FOCUS BUNDLES available. See below for the sale details… FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN DEPTH… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is 1… Depth 2… Advanced Depth 3… Applied Depth 4… Research 5… Born on Page One 6… Automatic Depth 7… Depth in Action FOCUS BUNDLE TO…
Way Too Late
At This Computer for 5.5 Hours… With short breaks. Now the sun is coming up and I am only here to keep my blogging streak alive. New bundles tomorrow and the bundle sale is still going on. Night…
Kris’s Birthday and New Focus Bundle…
Had a Great Time With Kris on Her Birthday… She will be posting really fun pictures on her Facebook page. Check them out. And a great dinner with friends tonight as well. Wonderful day. I also managed to get another one of the Focus Bundles launched tonight. So now on Teachable there is a Focus Bundle on Learning Depth and one on Learning Productivity. Here is what is in them. FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN DEPTH… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is 1… Depth 2… Advanced Depth 3… Applied Depth 4… Research 5… Born on Page One 6… Automatic Depth 7… Depth in Action FOCUS BUNDLE TO…