Off the Ground and Flying
The Challenge Has Started… A fun first day today. I was clearly ready to get going. And interestingly enough, so was WMG Publishing. So on the very first day of the challenger I had a novel published. One of the ones I wrote back in July, but now it is out. You can find the book at https://www.wmgpublishinginc.com/project/death-takes-a-diamond/ It just published today so it might be a little slow getting out to all sites. But that has the links there that are available. 1 down, 66 to go. Short Story Challenge… Here is how my day went… Rolled out around 1 p.m. and by 2:30 p.m. I was at the…
Starting Challenge Tomorrow
I Am Excited… It has been a while since I have been this excited about a challenge. And focused on it, which I will need to be over an entire year. Writing/publishing my age. 67 books. This just may be one of the crazier things I have ever tried. I figured out that to do this I will need to write just about 1.2 million words of new and original fiction. Over Pulp Speed Two, basically, for the entire year. For those of you with math issues, that is over 3,250 words per day without missing a day, 365 days a year. Well, I will miss, but luckily I will…
Holiday Offer for Workshops
Trying Something Fun This Year… Last year, after the Fiction River Kickstarter, we offered a discounted workshops offer for a week for those who missed the Kickstarter offer. This year we are doing that as a form of gift certificate. For exactly one week, until November 16th, you can get two regular workshops and two classic workshops for the price of $500. That is exactly the same as it was offered in the Kickstarter. A fun thing this year… If you would like, you can have us print up a nice-looking gift certificate and put it into a nice envelope, with someone’s name on the certificate, and send it to…
Think Like a Publisher is a Workshop
New Online Workshop Starting in December… That’s right, a new one starting now with Novel Structure and a new business workshop called Think Like a Publisher starting in December. Some of you here remember the blog posts turned into a book called “Think Like a Publisher 2012.” I kept working to update it but could never contain the information into a book that seemed to work. So Kris and I started planning that once this new indie world settled a little, we would do the Think Like a Publisher as a workshop to get in all the information. After the last major business class here on the coast, we’re ready…
An Offer To Readers for My Coming Challenge
Want A Bunch of Reading Over the Next Year?… As many of you know, starting on the 10th of this month, meaning Friday, I will be doing a challenge to publish 67 books in one year, my 67th year. 67 in 67. That’s right, in my 67th year on this planet I want to publish 67 major titles with my name on the cover. Publish. No stand-alone short fiction, only major books with my name on the cover. Here is the plan: — 20 new novels (four are in the publishing process now, the rest must be written in time to make it through the publishing process this year.) —…
Yeah!!! All November Workshops On Teachable
All Letters Sent to Those Signed up… If you are signed up and didn’t get a letter, write me. There is now two ways to sign up for any regular workshop. First… You can do the normal way and sign up by contacting me directly. Pay through Paypal or by check. I will put you on the list for the workshop and then send you a code a few days ahead of the start date to allow you into the workshop. Second Way… Just go directly to Teachable and sign up there and pay there. They take Paypal and credit cards. All the available lectures, all but two of the…
Workshop Letters Late Tomorrow Night
Normally The Letters Are Sent By Now… I almost have all the November workshops moved to Teachable, but with the auction tonight, it got late and I am not able to send out the letters as I had hoped. Plus I would like to give the Kickstarter folks a chance to sign up still for November workshops. So with luck, late tomorrow night, after I get back from a day off and a movie, I will send out the letters to everyone in the November workshops with the new details and code to get into the workshops. A Good Picking Night At the auction I bought three things tonight. First…
Kickstarter Backer Surveys Are Starting
Everyone Should Have a Survey By Wednesday… I did send out the surveys for the workshops and lectures tonight. If you would like to take a November workshop, contact me directly. I have all the bones built on Teachable for the November online workshops (list below). I was in the WMG offices until almost one in the morning. If I do the same tomorrow I should have them ready to go. It’s going to be interesting since there will be no passwords each week. The new week will just appear when the time has come for those in the workshop. And you will be able to keep the workshop on…
Madly Working On Moving Workshops
November Workshops Should Have a New Home… I should, if I work late into the night, get the regular November online workshops moved over to Teachable.com in time to send out the first letters by Sunday. But it will be a push. Worth it when finished. As for the Kickstarter Credits, if you would like to take a November workshop, write me directly and let me know which one you would like to sign up for. You get a classic workshop credit with that as well, but you can sign up for it at any time if you want. We still have a few days waiting for Kickstarter to set…
False Start on Challenge
Strangest Almost-Start I Have Ever Experienced… I was all set to fire up on the short story challenge for November. No issues at all. And then nope. Just nope. I was even planning on starting early because it had been a while, so got to my writing computer at 10 p.m. Nope. Not blocked. Just nope, it didn’t feel right. Something was off. So I went to do my normal solution to figuring out stuff I can’t put my finger on… a nap. And when I woke up I realized my focus was on the 67 published books in my 67th year. And my 67th birthday isn’t for another week…