• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Great Take On Writing Into The Dark

    Writer Michael La Ronn Video… Michael La Ronn, a fine writer of a lot of great books who also does a great podcast, is doing a series on YouTube about writing books, and he featured my book Writing into the Dark.  At first I thought this would be a sort of review, and since I don’t tend to read or watch reviews, good or bad, of my own work, I had thanked him and not watched what he had done. Then a friend watched it and said it was so much more than a review and I needed to watch it. So I did. And it is so much more…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    I Seem To Have Fallen Off

    Heinlein’s Rule #4… As I am moving into my new office here in Las Vegas, I am organizing as well, as would be normal. Making lists of things to do, where I need to be caught up and where it can wait a week or so to get solidly in place again. And as I am sorting papers and other stuff I am finding things I had forgotten about. And in the papers I am uncovering unpublished short stories. And not just a few short stories. Nope. A ton of short fiction, meaning a very large stack. In fact, I have found more short stories unpublished from this year than…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    At My New Desk

    Still Only Partially Moved In… But moved in enough that I am typing this from the new desk and will get assignments and such caught up tomorrow. And I have a second new desk to put together still. And a ton of getting paperwork together. But over the next few days I will be getting caught up. And finally I will be sending out hotel codes for the Master Business Class and Anthology workshop. So stay tuned for those if you are signed up. Also will be catching up a ton of other stuff. Amazing how far behind a person can get on a monster move. Stay tuned. Almost there.…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Nifty Stuff In the Bookstore

    Most Of You Don’t Know This… Our bookstore, North By Northwest Books and Antiques has one of the largest pharmaceutical collections in the world. All for sale. Sheldon McArthur, the former owner, loved collecting the stuff and he even found old drugstores that had gone out of business in the 1940s but nothing had been touched for fifty years. He would go there and clean them out. I bought it all when I bought the bookstore. Well, our store and strange collection was discovered by a YouTube program called Finding Goodies where these guys go around and look for nifty stuff and do videos about it. Dan (who does an…

  • Challenge

    Home In Vegas

    Six Hours of Driving Today… Home, good dinner with Kris, catching up on email. So all is good. Got some fun idea for posts coming this week, so stay tuned. Monthly Regular Workshops… You can find them under Online Workshops to the right of this post. Sign up for July on Teachable.com. For credits or workshops beyond July, write me and pay through Paypal. Each regular workshop is 6 weeks long. Again, it will take you about three hours per week on your own pace to do each of these if you do the assignments. These are the starting dates of upcoming regular workshops. All have openings at the moment. Class…

  • Challenge

    Day of Driving

    Getting Closer to Las Vegas… Just a day of driving. The first two trips I drove to Vegas were in an older-model van, one non-stop with the cats. The last trip was driving a loaded uHaul truck. This trip I am in the Cadillac, taking it down to Vegas. This drive so far is easy and smooth, heaven compared to the first three. And mostly paid for by my tournament winnings. Back on regular schedule when I get home in Vegas tomorrow. So for tonight, from some hotel suite somewhere along some freeway, I say goodnight. And once again hit my daily blog challenge by saying really nothing at all.…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Poker Tournament Update

    The Practice Went Well… A decent small tournament that started with four tables (about forty people). It took me a couple of rounds to get settled in and some routines back in place. Felt like I was learning how to walk again. Very weird feeling. But after about an hour, I had a lot of chips and was getting the routines back. And doing a few new ones that are better for the long run. Enough people had been knocked out that we broke to three tables after two hours and then two tables left after three hours. At that point it becomes the middle part of a tournament and…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Another Quick Trip…

    Headed for Vegas With My Computers… Where I will stay for a longer time this trip before having to head back to the coast in July to do a final clean-out of the big house. Right now I am sitting, after a long day of getting ready and packing and then driving, in a casino hotel in eastern Oregon. Going to play another practice poker tournament tomorrow evening here before moving on toward Las Vegas and home. I have gone through the first seven videos in the poker master class I am taking to refresh myself. Fun to have my focus there for a few short hours again. Learning, even…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    I Gave Kitten Pictures

    And Nobody Said a Word… That is stunning. Kittens and cats usually bring out the comments even more. (grin) I might have to try that again. How about a picture of Ashley and Thorne, named after Clark Ashton Smith and Thorne Smith? They were with us for over a decade each. Wonderful cats. (And yes, that is just a few of the digest collection behind them, but no idea what the cats are on.) Now, I have given you kittens and cats named after famous writers. What more can writers want? (grin) Monthly Regular Workshops… You can find them under Online Workshops to the right of this post. Sign up…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Too Late To Write A Post

    But I Must To Keep My Streak Going… So you get me typing when I really want to just toddle off to bed after staring at this computer for far too many hours. Don’t you just love these filler posts? (grin) So how about a picture from the past? Me and the Wild Bunch. This is me two weeks after my house burnt down in 1985. My second wife and I had managed to capture these feral kittens when the mom brought them out from under our burnt-out house. We were staying in a friend’s apartment and the three kittens loved to just nap on me. My second wife raised…