Almost to Another Stretch Goal
The Diving Universe Kickstarter Going Fantastic… Kris has a new Diving novel coming out this fall. It is huge, meaning 260,000 words. And she wanted to get it to her fans ahead of time, so she is doing a Kickstarter project. The name of the novel is THE RENEGAT. If you back the campaign at any level, you will get a copy of the book early, months before it comes out regularly. Also, Kris did two really cool special books for this Kickstarter. She took all her deleted sections and pieces from both THE RENEGAT and other Diving novels, did some essays, and put them together. It takes up two…
On This Day…
It Was A Sunday… 1980. My girlfriend at the time was another second year law student and we were living together in this nifty apartment in Moscow, Idaho full of books, a couple of comfortable couches, a great waterbed, two study desks, and a old funky kitchen to die for. We had been in Boise to visit friends and to see my niece graduate. We were done with the semester and were both looking forward to a few classes in the summer. I was going to also work at the golf course part time and do some research for one of the professors. A beautiful May day, fairly warm, and…
Writing This Morning…
Exercising This Afternoon… Visiting friends and reading stories tonight. A pretty good day all around. Most certainly a fun one. Almost three thousand words on a new Cold Poker Gang novel. (Finished the previous one.) Then ended up with just over seven miles of steps (14,000 plus) which included a half mile of running. Then visited a friend who was in town tonight before getting to reading challenge stories. Still have a few to go from last week, so no one panic. Can’t beat a day like today.
June Workshops and Descriptions
Time Travel Workshop Available… Plus I have below some of the descriptions of the Futures workshops, all four of them, and the description of the Emotions workshop and Time Travel workshop. I also have a list of all the different workshops now available. An amazing list. All this is on Teachable, of course, and that is where you would sign up unless you have a credit. If you have a workshop credit, write me. The four Futures workshops also have a bundle on Teachable that you can get all four cheaper if you buy the bundle. So first off, the June listing of Regular Workshops now available. Then all the…
Fun and Busy Day
Worked On Licensing Expo Stuff… Also, in the middle of getting stuff ready for the licensing conference, we had a great but short visit with Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta, two of our closest friends. They were just coming through town and we met them for coffee. I just saw Kevin and Rebecca a month ago at Writers of the Future, but it had been a while for Kris. Kris and Kevin met as undergrads in college in Wisconsin and Kris was Kevin’s best man at his wedding to Rebecca. Kris introduced me to Kevin about four months after Kris and I met. We were in a coffee shop…
Free Lecture, Classic Workshop, and Workshop Discounts
Plus Some Fantastic Reading… Kris has a new Diving novel coming out this fall. It is huge, meaning 260,000 words. And she wanted to get it to her fans ahead of time, so she is doing a Kickstarter project. The name of the novel is THE RENEGAT. If you back the campaign at any level, you will get a copy of the book early, months before it comes out regularly. Also, Kris did two really cool special books for this Kickstarter. She took all her deleted sections and pieces from both THE RENEGAT and other Diving novels, did some essays, and put them together. It takes up two books and…
That Was Nuts
Got a Lot of Response… I asked yesterday, just giving names of three workshops, which workshop people would like the best. I was sort of torn between which one to do or do none at all for the next few months. So figured I would ask for opinions. And I got a lot, both in comments and in private letters. Thank you, one and all. And I suppose if I call this an unofficial pole, then this is the result. Time Travel 21 votes Western 20 votes Attitude 19 votes. Well, that sure didn’t give me the big boost toward one or the other. But it did tell me that…
Workshop Decisions
Getting the Next Four Months Scheduled… And I have eight regular workshops a month. Down from twelve a month because a number have been moved to Classic Workshop status. So looking at scheduling a couple new workshops. But… I have hesitations… Time of Great Forgetting to start with. Why schedule and record a new workshop that almost no one will look at or even think of taking until August or September? Even lifetime subscribers are busy. I could easily just leave the schedule at 8 per month instead of 10 per month for the next few months. So that is tempting. Or I could record something that few will take…
Slightly late posting on this one…
Wanted to See If Pictures Appeared… From the run yesterday on the run web site, but they are not up yet, so only picture I got is one Kris took as I came across the finish line. Yes, Kris was that far ahead of me that she could finish, get out her camera, and get set to take pictures of me finishing. Actually my time wasn’t that bad. I had been walking/running regularly for the first two plus miles, staying ahead of Kris and then she would pass me while I was walking. Then the course went across a couple parking lots (very hot) and along a very shadeless sidewalk…
Reading and Going to Get Some Sleep
Running Tomorrow Morning… We will be up and out very early tomorrow morning so Kris can run a 5k and I can run some and walk some the same distance. Still not down enough pounds to run the entire way. Too afraid of hurting my knees, to be honest. But the pounds are dropping, so maybe soon. Otherwise I am reading challenge stories. Not going to finish them all tonight, so don’t panic if I haven’t gotten back to you on week #3 just yet. You folks are making me read all the way through and my one eye only has so much computer time. Besides, it’s Friday night. Pictures…