Last Post Had Great Comments…
Read the Comments and Feel Free to Add in… The idea of actually addressing the deep issues with writer’s block for writers certainly has both Kris and I excited. It won’t be easy if we decide to do it, but it will be challenging. And to be honest, I am looking forward to doing the classes because I want to make sure I have cleaned out the lingering issues from the eyes, shoulder, and business stuff. I want to get back up to my old speed sooner rather than later. And weirdly enough, I am dealing with aging issues, not in my body or hands or anywhere, but in my…
Writer’s Block
So Many Kinds and Reasons… So many reasons why writers are either stopped or have trouble writing. That all falls into a general pool called “Writer’s Block.” Now many of you know, I have hated the term “Writer’s Block” because it so feels like a made-up thing to easily identify what could be a different major problem, or a number of minor ones. And I have worked for decades now on helping writers get past reasons they are not writing without giving it a name. And so has Kris. But this last year or so Kris has finally got me past my hatred of the term and we have been…
New Fey Novel Kickstarter Launches Tuesday at Noon!!
Kickstarter Launches September 10th… Noon West Coast Time I love these new Fey novels with the steampunk and fantasy and magic. And, of course, the Fey. Serebro Academy: A New Fey Novel about an invasion of the Fey at Serebro Academy will keep you turning pages into the night . Check it out. A fantasy thriller. And Kickstarter likes us enough to give us Project We Love weeks before we launch. So cool. And really fun special workshops in this one. How to Write Steampunk and How to Write a Fantasy Thriller. You can only get the two workshops during the nine days of this campaign, so jump in quick.…
Classic Plus Prepare Ahead Classes
This Time Writing For PULPHOUSE FICTION MAGAZINE!! Last spring, to get the writers ready for the Anthology workshop and to help them understand what the book editor’s at the anthology workshop wanted, we did a series of Prepare Ahead classes on the WMG Writer Store. Each class had a interview by the book editor, guidelines, and ten videos about how to write short stories for that specific sub-genre. Lots and lots of good information. And then the writers wrote for the anthology. I was reading for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine at the Anthology Workshop, but the book editors had first choice of a story written for them. I still bought 7…
Last Day for Time Travel Bundle
Get 10 Books Including My THUNDER MOUNTAIN Novel… Kris curated this fantastic time travel bundle, and wow does it have some great stuff in it, including Kris’s own GALLERY OF HIS DREAMS, plus a collection by Robert Jeschonek, and a novel by Kevin J. Anderson and Brian Herbert. Plus if you have never read the fantastic novels of Lisa Silverthorne or Kathryn Kaleigh, you are in for a couple of fantastic treats. Plus great stuff by professional writers Michael A. Stackpole, Ron and Jeff Collins, and Douglas Smith. And if you have never ventured into my Thunder Mountain series, included is the first book called THUNDER MOUNTAIN. As I have…
New WMG Office
In Vegas… WMG Publishing Incorporated will maintain a small office in Oregon, but finally, after years of talking about it, we are moving the main office to Las Vegas. And we found a perfect place for it. And as of the first we got into it and today the cleaners came and really spiffed things up. So here are a few pictures of the office empty. Next week the first loads come in of desks to start filling the place. And shelves with books will cover all walls. First picture is a look out our balcony, furniture complements of Ron and Lisa Collins. Second picture is me standing where Steph’s…
Moved Marble Collection…
Refrain From Stupid Jokes… Heard them all. The only collections I kept on the move to Vegas was first a digest collection of mystery and sf digests. They are way cool and are close to complete from 1943 to 1999 in mystery, sf, fantasy, and horror. Missing a few issues here and there, but unless I get them out on shelves again, I just can’t tell. (They are in boxes in an air-conditioned interior storage unit. Got a hunch they will remain there into the future. They take up a lot of room to say the least.) The second collection I kept was marbles. 3 to 4 hundred thousand of…
Sale on Advanced Classes Ends Today (Monday)
We Announced the 2025 Advanced Classes… 18 Total Advanced Craft Classes now available… Going to put this here again as a reminder that this is the last day in the sale which includes all the Advanced Craft classes and the Lifetime Everything Subscription. See details below on the sale… We did six Advanced Craft Classes in 2023, are in the process of doing six more in 2024, and there will be a new six advanced craft classes in 2025. 18 Total when we get to the end of 2025. Wow! The new six craft classes for 2025 are: Advanced Rule of Three Advanced Setting Advanced Cliffhangers Advanced Novel Structure Advanced…
Killing the Two Workshops… The Why…
We Have A Way of Telling Interest… And figuring out the amount of actual commit-time interest in a topic. Here is what we look for. Realize we need at least 8 or 10 doing assignments the first time through for us to do the response videos. And we feel those are important. So here is what we look for to judge interest and number of people who will take the class first time through… First of all, did anyone actually buy the class? (These two no one. Not one.) Second, did someone use credits. (I didn’t see anyone, but one did I discovered this morning. Only one on one class.…
Two New Workshops Are Toast…
Killing the Two New Regular Workshops… Not one person signed up for either one, so clearly not much interest and wrong time of the year. No one even mentioned them. We have learned that is a bad sign. (grin) So BRUSHSTROKE CHARACTERS and FAKING IT regular workshops are not going to happen. At least not at the moment. I liked the idea of both of them, so maybe they will come back at a later time. We shall see. But still have the new class ADVANCED GENRE starting up and that is going to be a blast, and difficult, and a learning process all at the same time. (And for…