Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine,  workshops

One Day Left in Pulphouse Subscription Drive Kickstarter!!!

That’s Right! Ending Thursday Evening at 7PM

The Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2024 Kickstarter campaign is going great.

We have hit enough stretch rewards now that all backers will get ALL FIVE crazy Pulphouse anthologies , two issues of Fiction River, a six issue subscription, and also a chance to submit a story to Pulphouse in August, September, October, November, and December . (I will send out guidelines for the stories at the start of each month to backers through the updates.)

Understand, Pulphouse Fiction Magazine is never open to submissions. But sometimes, in these subscription drives, if we get high enough, we open submissions of one per month per backer. And we are there. We hit them all with one day left.

So please help us pass the word on this last day to help Pulphouse get solidly through the coming year. But we need your help.

LAST DAY in the entire campaign. Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2024 Kickstarter.


We have two really fun special workshops with this campaign that Kris and I are both looking forward to teaching. Both will be great fun.

Both workshops are three weeks long, are offered only twice, and the final week’s assignment for both workshops will be to write a short story that Dean will consider for Pulphouse. (Not as submissions, just how Dean will look at the stories and tell you he is interested in seeing it sent back as a submission.)

You have your choice of taking either three-week workshop starting July 30th or starting August 20th.


This workshop will teach you how to have fun and enjoy writing short stories. There are a lot of techniques that can help with this and once you can bring joy and fun into your short story writing, you will write better and more. 

Even if you already enjoy writing short fiction, this class can give you more techniques and craft methods to use if you run into that “rough” story that we all do at times.

This is a craft of writing workshop. Only offered through this campaign. 

You also get a six-issue electronic subscription to Pulphouse Fiction Magazine with this reward.


Many, many, many professional writers start off with a short story and then think, “That would make a great novel.” Or a reader says that to the writer. As an editor, I say that to writers all the time after reading a short story.

But how to do it? There are techniques and writing craft tricks that make it fairly simple, actually, once you know them. This class in three weeks will give you those techniques.

This is a craft of writing workshop. Only offered through this campaign.

You also get a six-issue electronic subscription to Pulphouse Fiction Magazine with this reward.


You can get both special workshops under the $250 reward level ($50 discount) or as an add-on. In these two short classes you will take your writing to another level.

You also get a six-issue electronic subscription to Pulphouse Fiction Magazine with this reward.

You have your choice of taking either three-week workshop starting July 30th or starting August 20th.

So jump into a workshop, get a six issue subscription with it, and help us have a great year. We are almost there. One day left!

Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2024 Kickstarter

These two special workshops will never be offered anywhere else. Last day to grab them.

And also have a chance for five months to submit stories to the magazine and get a lot of great reading as well.