Challenge,  workshops

New Lifetime Subscription and Story #23

Yes, New Lifetime Subscription…

On WMG Teachable we have lifetime subscriptions to the 90 plus workshops, to the 90 plus Pop-Ups, to lectures, and to Study Alongs.

And we have the large Lifetime Everything (on Teachable) Subscription to all 400 plus classes and growing seemingly every week.

We also have a Lifetime Subscription to In-Person classes. That was closed for eight years and we just opened it back up for a few, with one left. (Write me if interested in the last one before we close it again.)

For one year or so, we have been doing some classes on the WMG Writers Store. It is a Shopify store and we also have merchandise and writing books there. So why didn’t we put up those classes on Teachable? Because they were just too large for Teachable to handle. We tried webinars on Teachable and failed, but they work great on the WMG Writer Store.

So right now we have four major novella classes available. All four you can go through, do the assignments, and write a novella that Kris will read. And we are doing the Writer’s Block workshop there and it will remain active even after we are done with the second nine weeks. Actually, we will restart it in March.

And we did the Kris and Dean Show Prepping for 2025 with a webinar. We will be doing more Kris and Dean Show larger classes on the WMG Writer Store going forward, while the smaller ones are on Teachable. And we have the Prepare Ahead classes that will be revamped shortly, six of them.

And there will be more classes on the store coming up. A lot more over time. The bigger classes that Teachable just can’t handle.

A number of people asked us if we were going to do a Lifetime Subscription to the WMG Writer Store classes and we honestly said we didn’t know how to do that. But now we think we have figured it out. But we wanted to limit this to just five subscriptions while we made sure.

The Lifetime Subscriptions to the Classes on the WMG Writer Store will be $5,000 once we are totally set and it is automated.

But in the test run, we are offering the Lifetime Subscription to the Classes on the WMG Writer Store to five people for $3,000. Plus you get 25% off for life for all products and books on the store.

Just 5 people.

Why so few? We know we can get everything out by hand if we have to, get five people codes every time we launch something. But if this works the way we hope it will, then we will open the subscriptions up at $5,000.

Again, this is a Shopify store, not Teachable. We are sort of pushing some edges here. (grin)

So if you want a Lifetime Subscription to all Classes on the WMG Writer Store plus 25% off all books and merch on the store for lifetime for $3,000 (limited to just five), write me directly and I will tell you where to send the fee.

STORY #23…

Still going. One story per day…

Actually got seven hours of sleep, which was great. Walked to lunch about 2 miles and then walked this evening for doughnuts, also about 2 miles. So got good distance in today. Felt great. I am down more than five pounds in five weeks, just from the stupid “eat less and move around more” diet.

Worked this afternoon on cleaning up a few stories and spellchecking them to get them to Kris in my one-per-day rotation.

And worked some on the new Kickstarter. It is approved and they already gave us a  “Project We Love” designation, so must have done something right setting it up.

This evening I went through my half-title pages until I saw “Shadows” and then on the next page “the Missing.” Smashed those two together for “Shadows of the Missing” and since I had been working on Marble Grant Kickstarter, I just figured that title sounded like Marble Grant.

Summary opening of the story about how many people go missing in Las Vegas. I Googled that question before I started and got this answer…

Here in Las Vegas, an average of 10 adult persons are reported missing each day, and more than 300 per month. Myths still prevail that you must wait up to 72 hours before reporting any person missing. The fact is, there is no waiting period to report a person missing to police.

Wonder how many people are really hurt because of that stupid myth… Anyway, story had a few twists and came in over 2,000 words. I love writing Marble Grant. So much voice, so easy to write.



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