Challenge,  On Writing

My Story A Day Challenge…

Going Okay, But…

The “but” is coming from critical voice, of course. It has been a stupidly busy first two weeks of the month and I got into a bad habit right out of the gate of starting the story too late at night. Way, way too late.

Problem with that is being tired I tell my creative voice to do something short, and a lot of my Marble Grant stories and Bryant Street stories are in the 2,000 word range, so even though I never plan it, I default back to them. Amazing how powerful the creative voice is. It wants me to finish a story a day, but I am not giving it a fighting chance.

So that is going to change and change quickly, meaning like with story #17.

Tonight, beyond tired, I started story #16 at 12:30 am, again way, way too late.

Ended up smashing two half-titles together for the title “Something in the Summer Guests.” Marble Grant story and it turned out fun around 2,000 words. Marble Grant is voice and they write easy because I have done so many Marble Grant stories.

So now I am back writing, it is time to give the fiction each day more of a priority and get started earlier.

The publication part of the challenge is right on track. Maybe a couple weeks behind where I had hoped, but that’s not bad at all.

So now off to get a real night’s sleep.


  • James Palmer

    I’ve found what’s best for my is to get as much writing in as I can earlier in the day before my schedule fills up with other tasks, but I’m not the night owl that you are. And I have to write in between tasks at my day job. You’ll figure out what works best for you.

  • allynh


    For me, the past month has been about missing pieces of the puzzle. I won’t go into examples because they would be so blatantly bizarre that they are clearly impossible.

    – Each time an event happens, I simply go, “Okay…next”. HA!

    I did not comment earlier, but the missing piece of your puzzle was to have Kris read the finished story the next day. You were writing without getting that clear statement that the story was finished.

    Get back into the habit of printing out the copy and giving it to Kris, and that will solve the “problem”.

    • dwsmith

      Yup, and that never comes, not ever, and that kind of thinking is great for critical voice to make sure you don’t write. I am good when I think I got 15 minutes. My problem is remembering to start when I got 15 minutes instead of filling that 15 minutes with business stuff.

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