Challenge,  On Writing

Kris’s New Writing Challenge…

Starts Tomorrow (Wednesday)

Runs from August 15th to September 30th.

Every night those signed up get a letter from Kris talking about her day and writing and reporting her word count.  Turns out it is great fun to follow along and I live here. (grin)

Kris is doing these to stay focused on her writing as we wade through a bunch of crap in the business and since this is the third one, she says they are working. From her word count in the one ending today, I would say so.

If you sign up for the $300 fee and can’t match her word count, you get the $300 in Teachable credit. If you can beat her word count, you get double the credit.

And you get a letter from her every day during the challenge.

Very seldom a major New York Times bestselling writer allows this sort of access into her office. No telling if Kris will do this again, so jump in while it is open. (Sign-ups close on the 19th, but you want that long you will miss five letters.)

Lifetime Everything Subscribers write me for the code.

Fall Writing Challenge with Kris on WMG Teachable.