Challenge,  On Writing

Kris Reding Program…

Something Really Fun and Limited Kris Is Doing…

She has decided to help a few writers with their writing craft over the next six months.  Here is how she put it in her own words on her Patreon page…

Kristine Kathryn Rusch On Reading

It’s been quite the year. Even though Dean and I have found it hectic, a lot of good has happened. I feel like I’ve recaptured a lot of joy in my life, much in writing, and even more in reading and editing.

I do miss a lot of the reading I do for the in-person workshops. To think about stories on the macro and micro levels keeps me fresh as a writer.

I’ve been thinking about how to recapture the teaching energy for some time. That’s why we’re doing the novella classes. And then, the novella classes sparked this one.

I’m taking my time on the novellas, savoring them and thinking about them as I work through them. I’m enjoying the reading quite a bit, and I love framing the feedback in such a way as to help the writer on the next novella, not necessarily improve the current one. (In some cases, the novella doesn’t need improvement.)

The other day at lunch, Dean was talking about how many of his mentees needed to have help with their writing and he is just not wired to do it. He can help with life and motivation and publishing stuff, but not the writing

I could never do what Dean does to help writers. As many of you know, I tend to be too blunt. I’m always afraid that the bluntness, tied with the personal, would do more harm than good. Then there’s the enjoyment factor. I wouldn’t enjoy working on life issues, motivation, and publishing as much as Dean does.

However, I love, love, love working with writers on the writing.

So I suggested I could do a form of writing mentorship. And this idea was born.

Since Dean and I both believe you always learn from those ahead of you on the road you would like to walk, here are a few of my credentials:

I am a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today bestselling writer many times over. My work has also hit many international bestseller lists. I have more than 34 million copies of my books in print. I am the only person in history to ever win the Hugo Award for my editing and my writing. Even though I am well known for my science fiction, I also write fantasy, mystery, and romance. Dean tells me I have won more awards than any living writer. (I don’t keep track, since I don’t write for the award; just for the sheer joy of writing.)

But, back to the mentorship.

Once I figured out what I wanted to do, the guidelines wrote themselves.

Here they are:

  1. Writing only, no life stuff… Dean’s mentorships already do that.
  2. My mentorship will last for 6 months.
  3. No novels. Only short fiction up to 25,000 words.
  4. To start, you would send me an opening letter with information about where your writing stands and your goals with your writing and your preferred genres
  5. Then I will set a prompt every two weeks. That means over the six months, there will be 13 different prompts. The prompt will be tailored to your needs and your genre interests.
  6. My due dates and posting of new prompts will be on Wednesdays. You have two weeks before the next prompt to turn in the story. There will be no making up. If you have missed the deadline, your chance to submit a story that week disappears. Go to the next prompt.
  7. I will do my best to read the stories with comments in the two weeks before the next prompt is posted. This might lag at times due to my uncertain health or for business reasons.
  8. My goal is to guide you to the next story. Sure, I’ll give some feedback on the current story, but mostly, I’ll be looking at the patterns in your writing. I will focus your prompts on areas I think you need to practice.
  9. I will not line-edit anything. I will not look at rewrites of any of the stories you’ve submitted. I would hope that you give me fresh fiction. I can only help if you write something new for that particular assignment. Giving me already finished fiction won’t help you.
  10. I will take three writers. First come, first in. To secure your spot, you must pay for that spot.
  11. Cost is $2,000. Contact Dean for how to pay the fee through PayPal.
  12. You can be working with Dean as a mentor already, or not. If in doubt if there is still an opening, write Dean to see if the spots are already filled. He will be tracking all that since he is very good at it. (I don’t do the tracking stuff.)

I am really excited about doing this. I have been reading a lot of fiction in manuscript lately, and enjoying the heck out of it. (Not just the novellas, but also the fiction for the anthology workshop back in August.)

I think I’ve set up a system that will benefit both of us. If you agree, I hope you jump on board.  Kris…


Dean here… As I write this there are two spots left open, and I might be able to convince Kris to go to four writers, but no promises. So if interested, do not delay. And don’t assume this has filled, write me.

Also remember on Teachable there is a half-priced sale going on to celebrate the WMG offices moving to Las Vegas. Information at the bottom of yesterday’s post. And I have loaded two of the Kickstarter Classics workshops now.


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