Challenge,  workshops

I’m Laughing At Myself…

I Just Keep Thinking…

That what has me totally fascinated and learning will also be interesting to other people. And I just keep thinking that knowing how to make a ton more money with your writing is a good thing. Nope, just not interesting to most writers.

Seems that most writers are locked into the idea that what you make with sales is from Amazon.

So because I was interested in laying it all out over nine weeks, I fired up a LICENSING — How to Build a Brand in the Nine Weeks Between Now and the Licensing Expo in late May. Starts Tuesday.

Got a few Lifetime Everything Subscribers to sign up, but that’s it. Even with the $400 early bird discount that ends on Monday. Not one sign up. No interest. What a bummer.

And in the Kickstarter that just ended, I thought we had the best money-making class that we have ever offered. How to Revive an Old Book.  7 people signed up. They are almost going to get private lessons from me.

We just revived three of Kris’s first books from over thirty years ago and made almost $9,000 in the first promotion and will make a lot more going forward with them. And we also built a brand in reviving them.

So we are constantly demonstrating what we say by what we do. Just seems that writers are not interested in how to take books that are making almost no money and bring them into making more. And in building brands that make even more.

Just has me shaking my head to be honest.


Over on the WMG Writer store, Kris has started up a brand new series of Craft workshops. They are three weeks long with a last week webinar. The series is called Quick and Dirty Solutions… First one is Taste and Smell, the two hardest senses.

These are $150 and include videos from Kris, Kris answering homework assignments for two weeks, and an hour-long webinar for her to answer your questions at the end.

This is just the first in a series of Quick and Dirty craft classes. Quick Solutions for Long Term Problems.

(The reason this is on the store is the Webinar… Teachable can not handle it.)

And yes, we have opened back up the Lifetime Subscription to everything on The WMG Writer Store (All workshops included that are there now and all into the future and 20% off all merch and books.) We are still ironing out the bugs, so instead of $5,000 we are offering it for $3,500. Only two spots available.  Write me directly if interested.


All the writers that wanted to be coached by me are now working or waiting to start. So I have spots for two more.

These are not timed as I originally said. We will get through what you need to get through. Three areas of coaching are:

— Getting your writing into print and building a basic publishing business.

— From basic writing business to expanding into so much promotion and Shopify and Kickstarters, and so on.

— Making money, how to use it better and save it with the correct corporation structure, licensing outside of normal channels, and so much more. If you are thinking of getting an LLC for your writing, stop now and contact me before you make a many thousands of dollar mistake.

So contact me if interested in my coaching.


Lifetime Everything Subscription is still on sale for half price of $5,000 for the 600 plus workshops and classes and more coming. If you have done a lot on Teachable, I can discount that a little bit more if interested. Write me.


May 5-8 here in Las Vegas. Taught by Kris.  One spot open. Write me if interested.


  • Michael W Lucas

    Writers are weeeird.

    I publish an annual blog post on where my money came from that year. No dollar values, just percentages. For the last few years, non-retail channels have been about 40% of my income. 2024’s income grew because of a viral Kickstarter, making my non-retail income 70% of the total.

    Those posts get discussed on writer forums. The most common reaction? “Only royalties count.”

    Uh… okay. Sure. Pardon me while I take that non-royalty income and pay the mortgage.

    Next year, that percentage might swing the other way. If my books explode on Amazon or Kobo or Aunt Betty’s Ebook Extravaganza, great! More money! So long as I have income from a variety of channels, I’m happy!

    But no. “Only royalties count.” Sigh.

    Related: What’s the difference between a beginning writer and a pro? A beginning writer wants to be read. A pro wants to get paid.

    • dwsmith

      Exactly, Michael. I told a class of writers at Writers of the Future a few years back that Amazon was in about 7th or 8th place as to the money coming in, that licensing was the top. They just had no comprehension of how that could be possible.

      And most early stage writers still think of the old 1990s term of “launching” and think if a book doesn’t sell quickly on Amazon, it is a failure. Head shaking to me. Thanks, Michael, for the comment.

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