I Want My Hour Back…
I Write Late At Night…
Suddenly, even though I knew it was coming, I lost an hour of writing time. Just poof!! Gone.
But still managed to get a lot done today.
Everyone who was interested in my coaching on the publishing side I got back to. (Still two spots open… write me.)
The workshops on those areas are for the moment on hold. Just could not get them worked out the way I wanted.
They were going to be on three areas. (Same areas the coaching is in…)
- From manuscript to book laid out and published around the world in electronic and paper.
- From publishing through building a publishing structure to increase your sales with stores and licensing and Kickstarters and a ton more.
- High level increase in money with licensing, branding, and corporation structures to help you save on taxes legally.
So that was going to be the three workshops and still might be if I can get some details worked out.
And Stephanie at WMG has a fantastic idea of a workshop on covers that she will do as well, using all the modern things that can make covers really marketable and beautiful and useful in sales. That will be a nine week class. It will be so cool.
So between those four workshops, we feel we can really help with people’s publishing because one thing we have learned, and I know for a fact, not getting books and stories out can lead to writer’s block very quickly.
Now, how can I get that hour back of writing? Sigh… I know, wait until the fall… Sigh…
Leigh Kimmel
You’re not the only one who’s missing that hour. I think the time shift hits night owls hardest, because we’re already out of step with social expectations of timeliness.
Every year in November I hope that the temporal shuffle would finally come to an end. There’s ample evidence for its detrimental effects on health and safety, particularly after the spring time change. There’ve even been bills introduced to end it. But every year they go nowhere, and the annual changing of the clocks persists the following March.
We’ll see what happens this November.
Annie Reed
You and I are in the same boat since I’m another late night writer. Which explains why I went to bed at 6:30 rather than my usual 5:30 time. I need to follow your lead though and start writing earlier in the day. Turning that particular boat is slow going.