How to Create and Build a Brand…
Early Bird Discount…
This nine-week glass is starting on Tuesday the 18th and will run right up to the Licensing Expo in May. Now granted, we do not expect anyone to take the class and then come to the Expo, not a requirement, but by understanding this class, you can start building your own brands for future sales and Expos.
From manuscript all the way to the Licensing Expo, this class will give you step-by-step guidence on how to create a product brand, an author brand, and a company brand.
This might be one of the most important classes we offer on exactly what is a brand, how to build one, and what to do with it when you have. It will make you more book sales and money over time than you can imagine.
$500 for nine weeks, with assignments. But if you sign up ahead by the evening of Sunday March 16th, you get it at $400 as an early bird discount.
(I have already sent out a letter to the Lifetime Everything Subscribers with a code.)
SALE… Since we sort of forgot the LIFETIME EVERYTHING HALF PRICE SALE until the very end of last month, we decided to extend it for a short time if anyone interested. Write me and yes, I can give you a little more discount if you have a lifetime subscription to anything else.
Speaking of Creating a Brand…
3 Epic Fantasy Novels Kickstarter is Going Great!!
And we just added a special stretch goal for the next few days. Check it out here…
SPECIAL STRETCH GOAL…Hit 130 Backers by Midnight Tuesday Night..
If this campaign reaches 130 backers by late Tuesday night,, every backer of any reward at $18.00 and above will get two free electronic short stories by Kristine Kathryn Rusch.
You will get “The Life and Deaths of Rachel Long” and “Monuments to the Dead.”
For writers, back in 2018, Dean and Kris started a Tip of the Week, recording a weekly tip on writing or publishing. It went for six quarters, 13 tips per quarter. If we hit this stretch goal, all backers will get the second quarter of 2019 of Tip of the Week, 13 writing and publishing tips.