Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

Get a Master’s Degree In Publishing

A Real Master’s Degree From Real Writers and Publishers…

Not kidding. You can do it and in a year and the new year is about to start.

This is the Masters Degree program taught by Kevin J. Anderson. You know, the New York Times Bestseller and half owner of Wordfire Press. That Kevin J. Anderson.

And helping him is Allyson Longueira, the publisher of WMG Publishing Inc. (I also get to help a tiny bit every year.)

It is almost all online, except for a week at the start and a week or two at the end in the summer. It was full before I got a chance to tell you all about it here, but someone had to drop for family reasons, so a spot is now open.

Folks, if you want a real Master’s degree in publishing, this is the program for you. Nothing else like it. You will learn more than you can imagine.

Here is what Kevin said about it and some images of the books last year’s students did. Pass the word on this.

“One of my Publishing grad students just had to withdraw due to a family emergency, so I have one additional slot open in my Masters degree program at Western Colorado University. One year MA program, all online except for a two-week residency in July. Want to be a publishing padawan? Here are the covers for all the student projects this year.”