Fun New Workshops
New Pop-Up and A Romance Workshop
Fun day today. I have two new workshops up and available, plus all of January Regular workshops are available for sign-up now.
LOCKED ROOM MYSTERIES Pop-up #17 is now available. I love locked-room mysteries, but there is not enough about them to fill a six-week workshop without getting into extreme depth of topic, so tips on how to write locked-room mysteries fit perfectly in a Pop-Up.
And it is also in the bundle of Pop-Ups #11-20.
Second, I put up the new regular workshops for January, starting on the 7th. And the first workshop in January is Writing Romance.
All are available right now. Over the next few days I will announce the February, March, and April schedule for workshops and there will be two more new workshops in there. So stay-turned for that announcement.
Wow, being a lifetime subscriber to the workshops right now is a real deal. (grin)
January workshops available to sign up for now are:
Writing Romance
Writing into the Dark
Writing Sales Copy
Writing with Depth
Writing Short Stories
Writing with Emotion
Advanced Depth
E. R. Paskey
Yay! I’m excited!
This is one of those areas I wrote a lot in when I was in my teens and early twenties. Then I had a bad relationship that made me question my instincts and if I knew anything about romance at all. It took a few years to rebuild my confidence and be able write romance again, (though I wrote plenty of other stuff in between).
Really looking forward to a dedicated workshop on this genre.
Aniket Gore
Looking forward to it. Sounds awesome.