Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

February Workshops Take Two

Early in the Morning…

I have been at this computer now mostly for going on 17 hours, with a few breaks and a nap along the way, so I am going to just repost the February regular workshops being offered and starting on the 4th.

You will see in a couple days why I spent so much time here today. Fun stuff, I can promise, he said, vaguely about a nifty Kickstarter project featuring cats. (grin)

So the post about the workshops again…

Now Available…

Here is the list of the February 6-week workshops and descriptions about each class. And a link to each one. A really good group of workshops this month.

And the Floating Viewpoint workshop has been postponed. Starting two workshops in three months is enough to start the year. Starting in March is “Making a Living” workshop.

All workshops are on Teachable.

February Regular Workshops

Class #11… Feb 4th … Endings in Fiction
Class #12… Feb 4th … Attitude in Fiction
Class #13… Feb 4th … Writing Romance
Class #14… Feb 4th … Writing with Speed
Class #15… Feb 4th … Teams in Fiction
Class #16… Feb 5th … Depth in Writing
Class #19… Feb 5th… Information Flow

Descriptions of Workshops


Understanding how to end novels and short stories in every genre.

An old truth about fiction and selling books: Your opening sells the book the reader has in their hands. Your ending sells your next book.

Most writers don’t understand how to write a satisfying ending. And there is a ton of misinformation about endings as well. A satisfying ending for a mystery would be completely wrong for a romance novel. And so on.

Link to February Endings Workshop


Attitude is everything in fiction writing. From beating back fears, to taking the courage to try something new, to believing your work is worth publishing. Attitude can help you overcome doubts, believe in yourself on the outside while you doubt everything on the inside.

A good attitude in fiction writing can be learned.

Link to February Attitude Workshop


Writing romance is a difficult genre to do well, either in short form or long form. We did a short Pop-Up lecture on writing short form romance, and now this workshop goes into full depth of the romance genre.

There are also many ways to add romance into stories that will be covered in this workshop.

Link to February Romance Workshop


Yes, we are going there. We are going into your work habits to help you get past everything that is slowing down your writing pace. Your creation pace. Your myths and beliefs.

Help you write clean, first drafts at a decent pace.

And yes, we can help you.

Link to February Speed Workshop


In the modern world of fiction, teams of characters around a central figure play a critical part of the success of any novel or series. From NCIS to Star Trek to Harry Potter and Star Wars, teams form the center of most western fiction and storytelling

This workshop gives all the techniques and methods of building a successful team in your fiction, a team that readers will want to rejoin again and again, story after story.

Link to February Teams Workshop


A sentence-by-sentence, clause-by-clause look at how you can write fiction, characters, settings, and pull readers down into your story and not let them out.

Your writing, your characters, your fiction will take a huge jump forward with this workshop.

Depth in Writing workshop helps you understand how to have real characters and stories that hold readers.

Link to February Depth Workshop

#19… Information Flow

Understanding this very complex element of fiction writing is difficult, at best. It seems on the surface to be so easy, but just below that surface is one of most powerful tools a writer has in their craft box.

For lack of a better way of describing Information Flow, think of this workshop as a way to control your readers.

Link to February Information Flow Workshop