Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

End of Summer Workshop Sale Repeated

I Ran Out of Time…

Turns out my best plans for the day got completely sidetracked as I kept learning this new program for surveys for Kickstarters. In fact, I’ve been spending a lot of time with Kickstarter stuff the last four days, and actually will update the Best Practices shortly. So tonight I was going to write a sort of soapbox post about audio books and Kickstarter, but ran out of time tonight, so will do it tomorrow.

So once again, here is the full post talking about the End of Summer sale and the code to get any workshop at half price on Teachable, which is EndOfSummer.

Tomorrow I will climb on my soapbox. Be warned. (grin) But in the meantime, grab a workshop at half price.

Summer Has Gone…

We are still in Covid. I honestly last spring never would have predicted this.

Back when WMG Publishing did what we all thought here would be the last workshop sale in May, we had an expectation that as things opened up, we would all be able to slowly go back to a changed, but new normal life. And that sort of happened for some.

Sort of. But by July it was clear that most of us were still locked up, wearing masks, and doing our best to move forward in some way or another. So WMG Publishing decided to do another sale the first week of July, thinking that would be the last one.

But now as we are into September, we still all need to stay home, be careful, and focus on other things besides what is happening in the world. Focus on our writing and learning. Kids are going back to school, mostly online at this point. Seems us older folks can do the same thing.

As I said two months ago, we can control our learning and our writing.

Back in March (a very, very long half year ago), Allyson and Kris both suggested we give writers some real deals on workshops to help out through the coming weeks. And we did with what we called the March Sadness Special.

Then in April we gave writers deals again on workshops to help out. We called that one the Spring Training Sale. Then, before things started to open, we gave writers what we thought would be the third and final sale called Summer Learning Sale. That turned out not to be, so July we did the Summer School Sale.

Now, two months have passed and once again we want to encourage you to stay in, stay safe.

And a great way to do that again is to focus on learning publishing and how to be a better storyteller. Indie writers are actually making more money in this time of crisis because we can write and put out books and people want to read.

So we are going to do one more sale of everything on WMG Publishing’s Teachable.

And we really, really hope never again. We want us all to get through this virus and go back to at least a new normal as soon as possible.

But, sadly, we are not there yet. And WMG Publishing wants to help you all get through this, so for the next eight days, until 5 pm on Tuesday, September 8th…

Every WMG Publishing Workshop, Lecture, Pop-Up, Class, or Subscription on Teachable will be HALF PRICE!

That’s right, on anything available on Teachable right now, (hit all courses to see everything) just use the code below and get it half price.

Yes, that includes the new workshops COVERS 101 and MAKING MONEY WITH YOUR WRITING (starts in October), plus the almost new PUBLISHING 101 and KILLING CRITICAL VOICE. Plus the new Pop-Ups and and any of the challenges.

So, stock up on workshops and lectures to get you through the fall.

Or even grab one of the Lifetime Workshop Subscriptions for half price.

The coupon code to get anything on WMG’s Teachable at half price for the next 7 days is:


And feel free to pass this code around to any writer. We are all still stuck with this virus, so we might as well all keep learning.

But remember, this offer ends sharply at 5 pm West Coast Time on Tuesday, September 8th


Yes, you can buy more than one, but you just have to do it one at a time because Teachable has no shopping cart. And you can use Paypal or any credit card.

Give yourself or a friend the gift of learning and stay sane as we keep slogging through these tough times. There is no time limit on when you have to do a workshop either, so you can give them as gifts to other writers hurting more than you are.

So, in summary, just go to WMG Workshops on Teachable, find a workshop or Pop-Up, or Lecture, or subscription you are interested in, hit purchase, put in the coupon code EndofSummer and you will get it for half price.

And please stay home as much as possible, stay safe, and keep learning and writing.


  • Julie

    This isn’t especially germane to your post, Dean, but I thought you might be interested in / horrified by something from trad pub today.

    I just finished a brand new novel, ‘How to Rule an Empire and Get Away With It’, by KJ Parker, who has about 60 books in print. It’s published by Orbit, who have also published other of his books (including entire series). I really enjoyed it, and at the end, I could see that there were some dark-edged pages to mark where there’d be a sample opening chapter of another book.

    I assumed it was going to be a sample of one of the author’s books, but no! It’s for a book by another Orbit author. Great sample, and now I’m interested in reading that book, not going straight on to one of KJ Parker’s.

    I don’t know how KJ Parker feels about having his work used to advertise the work of another author instead of his own, but I know how I’d feel…

    • dwsmith

      Head-shakingingly bad for the writer. And when you sign those traditional contracts, you allow that sort of thing because you give away all control of book.

      But the author wanted to be taken care of. As I have said, if you want to be taken care of by a publisher and agent, you will be, just not in the way you imagine. They will take care of your money by keeping large parts of it and also your career by doing things like that.

      I did not realize they had dropped that low. Wow. Thanks.

  • Kevin

    Hi Dean,

    Does WMG have the making money workshop on Teachable yet? I tried searching to sign up early and use the code but I didn’t see it.