Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

Determined to Get Some Sleep

So This Will Be Short…

I will get eight hours somehow tonight, so got to just do little here but repeat some information.

As I said, I did manage to start all of the new September Regular workshops, which includes the classic Heinlein’s Rules and two brand new workshops, Brushstroke Characters and Faking It. Both of those should be fun and great learning and they are available now on Teachable.

Today is the last day on jumping into Kris’s Fall Challenge that runs to September 30th. Watch her daily writing and challenge her to match or beat her word count. That’s on Teachable.

And this is the last day to get the discounted price for the next Anthology Workshop here in Vegas. $750 now and $1,000 tomorrow. And since the workshop is filling quickly, about five spots left (down from seven yesterday), paying the discounted rate will secure your spot as well.  Write me directly for information.

And one more cool thing. The next Kickstarter we are doing is for the next Fey Novel by Kris. It launches September 10th, but you can take a look at the cover and what Kris says about it and make sure you are notified when it launches. Just click this link Serebro Academy: A New Fey Novel to find out more. I can tell you now it will have a bunch of nifty stuff, a couple special workshops, maps, merchandise, and a ton of books. Take a look.

Full list of Regular Workshops starting September 3rd.

  • 22… Heinlein’s Rules
  • 23… Brushstroke Characters
  • 24… Writing into the Dark
  • 26… Depth in Writing
  • 28… Killing the Critical Voice
  • 29… Faking It Workshop
  • 30… Advanced Depth

Write me directly with questions about anything…