Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

Derivative Rights in Bite-Sized Copyright

Talking Derivative Rights for Next Three Weeks…

That’s right, for those of you who think you know copyright, or are planning to learn it any day now, it is going to take me three full weeks of Bite-Sized Copyright class to just do the basics on derivative rights. And you can’t understand licensing anything unless you understand how derivative rights work first.

Bite-Sized Copyright class has no assignments, so it fits with just about anything. You just get the videos every Monday morning every week for the full year. Yes, you can take it quarter by quarter and all the first weeks remain, so you can catch up on your own time.

Same with The Decade Ahead class. Videos every Monday morning. This week doing some math on how to make small changes now to make huge differences in ten years or less. Stuff you might not have thought about. And like the Bite-Sized Copyright, it has no assignments and you can sign up by each quarter, or for the full year.

SPECIAL FEY WORKSHOP is also up and available. Later in the week I will be sending everyone who signed up for this class on the first Fey Kickstarter, and also those from the second Fey Kickstarter. But if you did not sign up, you can now. It starts Feb 7th, runs for six weeks, and also will not have assignments, just massive amounts of writing and publishing learning. And I do mean massive. So it can go along with other workshops just fine.

This class includes the 11 videos from the Writing of the Fey that Kris did, plus for each of her videos, I will talk about the writing aspects, what it took for Kris to do what she did all those years ago, and also the publishing aspects and how indie publishing now works. Real life hard knocks turned into real life learning for all of you.

So three really important classes with no assignments to conflict with anything. Just lots and lots of learning.

Also for February, don’t forget the regular six-week workshops with assignments every week except the last week. You can find direct links to all of them at Regular Workshops on

Here is the full list of Regular Workshops for February.

Class #11… Feb 7th … Covers101
Class #14… Feb 7th … Writing into the Dark
Class #15… Feb 7th … Teams in Fiction
Class #16…Feb 8th … Depth in Writing
Class #17…Feb 8th … Applied Depth
Class #18… Feb 8th …Advanced Depth
Class #19… Feb 8th …Power Words
Class #20… Feb 8th …Killing Critical Voice


  • Linda Maye Adams

    Hey, Dean

    You watching the emerging copyright fight over AI in writing? CNET generated a lot of articles that plagiarized from existing articles–and got them wrong. Buzzfeed is testing the waters, too. I think the company leaders have disconnected from where they think the content comes from and are only thinking about saving money. Going to be ugly….

    • dwsmith

      Going to be ugly with art as well. Stay away from both until this dust clears on copyright. Audio AI is clear in most cases.

      But writing AI and art AI has some major legal issues ahead and you don’t want to be drawn into a copyright infringement suit because statutory damages could kill you. Besides, just as you would not want someone to take your work and make money from it, don’t you do it with other people’s work.

      • Jason M

        Midjourney (a visual art AI tool) claims to be covered by the fair use clause. It may very well be, but nobody has the faintest idea how this will stand up in court, if/when it comes to that.
        But it seems that right now, all the legal action that’s gearing up is related to the inputs, not the outputs. For example:
        The biggest plaintiffs against AI tools right now are the stock-photo sites, who are challenging how they scraped the stock-photo sites for training data.
        This is so unprecedented. I also have trouble seeing how statutory damages could be applied to the hundreds of thousands of users who are going to use these tools to produce commercial art. Artists are the people who will be least likely to able to pay those damages.

        • dwsmith

          Oh trust me, if the consumer is warned and still goes ahead and commits theft, it is still theft.

          I know all writers are always in a hurry. But with AI in art and writing, take a deep breath folks. If you must play with AI in your publishing, do AI audio books.

      • Linda Maye Adams

        Oh, yeah, they’re big time testing the waters. A company tried to get an AI lawyer in court–judge nixed that. University professors–who should have known better–gave AI writing credit on their research paper.