Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

Days of a Campaign…

Got Some Questions As To Thinking On Campaign Length…

Right now we are doing a seven day Kickstarter Campaign called The Santa Series. We often do nine day and at times 15 days such as the Holiday Spectacular.

So I was asked what was the thinking on the different lengths and why not go to a full 30 days?

No reason that we can see to go 30 days. The entire center is a dead area for almost every campaign. The goal in any campaign is to get backers to get your new book or project before it comes out for general sale. Keep that in mind. So thirty days for most means you have to promote hard at the beginning and then a second time at the end. Seems sort of silly to me, but just my opinion.

Most campaigns have a surge at the start, then it levels off until the last few days where there is another surge.  Or goal is to have that level area be an upward slant so there is never a level period. We can do that with the big projects for 15 days, and for smaller projects for 9 days.

The reason we went 7 days on The Santa Series is because we wanted to have time to get all the electronic books to backers before Christmas. No other reason. And right now we are dead in the middle, but less than 70 hours left. So that feels strange.

Also this one got a “Projects We Love” from Kickstarter, was the top of the Kickstarter monthly newsletter, and also was just in rotation on the front page of the entire web site. Really cool! Might be because of the really beautiful covers and fantastic art headers through the campaign.

Anyhow, for us 9 days and 15 days tend to be the best lengths because that keeps the campaign fresh and not forgotten by backers.

And for this current 7 day one, if you want some fantastic and fun holiday reading on the 20th, jump in.  You have less than three days.

The Santa Series Kickstarter Campaign.


Over the coming week I will be writing everyone in the 2024 words challenge and also the challenges against me to check in and see how it is going. That should be great fun. So watch for that.

I didn’t do the videos on these. Honestly, was not in shape to do them regularly as I thought I would be. But I want to check in to see how many beautiful glass globes we are going to need. It may take us a few months into the new year to get them all and get them shipped.

Plus mugs and such. Fun stuff.

We are talking about doing a 2025 words per day challenge, so stay tuned. Nothing set yet.


  • Michael W Lucas

    I keep a spreadsheet of backers and funding for each day of every campaign. Yes, KS provides individual graphs, but I graph them all together so I can compare and contrast.

    Every campaign funds at different amounts. But if you look at the shape of the curves, they’re all exactly the same shape. I won’t say I can accurately predict the final total from the first two days, but that flat middle is very real.

    One campaign went viral. That graph was different. The last three days spiked hard. Otherwise, exact same pattern.

    The trick (in my opinion) is to leave space for virality to hit, while keeping the middle nice and short.

    (YMMV, slippery when wet, void where prohibited by law, none of us know anything, etc.)