Two Sayings On My Office Wall
Both Have Been On My Wall For Decades… And they were on my office walls before that. So when we moved this last spring and early summer, I took the two sayings down and brought them with me for my new office. So what kind of sayings would I carry with me for so many decades? Almost since I started writing. The first, framed in a cheap mat and dirty and faded says simply… “If we could dare to write as ill as those whose voices haunt us still…” That is part of an Edward Gosse poem written way back and the poem is in the public domain. But think…
The Two New Workshops Again
September Has Two New Workshops… Full descriptions below of the two new ones. I posted these a while back but I think they got missed. The How to Use Tags workshop is looking to be a special one. Difficult because most writers can’t begin to see them, but worth the time. To sign up for any of these, simply go to Teachable and sign up on the course directly. If you have a workshop credit you would like to use, or any questions, write me directly at dean.wmgworkshops@gmail.com Told you we were going to be doing a bunch of new workshops this year. Two in July and two in September…
Finally Got a Dean-Level Insane Question… On the novel and short story challenge starting in September. You know the one, write thirty short stories in sixty days or write three novels in three months. The challenge that is almost full. Someone asked me today if they could do both at the same time. I LOVE THAT! My level of nuts challenge. And, of course, I said sure. And I offered the person a discount if they wanted to try it. Second challenge at half price (still get two workshops). Both challenges for $900 and get four workshops. Why did I love that question? That is exactly the question I would…
I Wasn’t Rich
But I Made Learning The Most Important Thing… I got a comment from a person in a letter after my post about going and learning from long-time professionals. It was a passing comment this person and not made in any way bad. But it sent me laughing. The comment was basically “Good thing you had money.” The reference was to my early days in writing and me having money in those days was so far from the truth as to be on another planet. I had no money. None. Let me give you a few stories. I went to my first convention in 1982 and shared a ride with three…
SF Plot Twist Bundle Almost Done!!
SF Plot Twist Bundle… Two Days Left…. My sf novel, Laying the Music to Rest, is in a nifty bundle with some amazing writers. Don’t delay grabbing this one. Some amazing stuff in this bundle and I am honored to be a part of it. But now it is almost over. Trust me, folks, if you are not familiar with Annie Reed, Robert Jeschonek, Blaze Ward, Ron Collins, Stefon Mears, and Eric Kent Edstrom, this is your chance. I don’t often recommend other writers, as most of you know, but I recommend all six of these incredible talents and buy their stories regularly for Pulphouse as well. And you get…
Forcing the Help
Writers’ Communities… I keep hearing over and over about how other writers force writers to do something like get a book doctor or rewrite or whatever. This advice (99.9% of the time) is coming from beginning or unpublished writers. But these writers feel forced, like there is a gun to their head because it is their “community.” For some reason I mostly escaped this silliness when I was coming in. My mantra was always to learn only from those who were farther down the road than I was by a long ways. I wanted to learn from those writers making a living, having long careers, and so on. I sought…
Some Challenge and Lifetime Questions Answered
Lifetime Subscriptions and the Challenges… I got some more questions I thought were good ones about the lifetime subscriptions, so here on a Saturday night I figured I would quickly answer them to hit my streak of daily blogs. (grin) And remind you about the short story and novel challenge starting in September. First, to the Lifetime Subscription Questions… In the regular lifetime subscription, you get all regular workshops and classic workshops. There are a lot of them. In fact, if you paid for all the workshops in the subscription, it would cost over $13,000. Wow! No idea there were that many. The key is that you can take workshops…
Being Clear On Rewriting and Other Stuff
Got Some Interesting Questions This Week… So I figured for fun here on this fine evening I would just lay out in very quick points exactly what I believe about writing and how I write. Clear up some confusion (or make more, we shall see. (grin)) 1… I do not rewrite. I cycle back and forward through the manuscript as I write, thus ending up with a clean first (and final) draft. 2… I do not use ideas and haven’t for decades. I use triggers to get me typing with a character and I just entertain myself from there. (You guys have all followed that here through some of my…
Reminder of the Lifetime Subscriptions Available Now
There Are a Number… I got some questions over the last two days about the lifetime subscriptions to different areas and realized that I couldn’t remember ever putting all the information about them in one place. Write me at dean.wmgworkshops@gmail.com with any questions on these or to sign up. So here is all the information in one place. REGULAR WORKSHOP LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION You get all regular workshops and classic workshops in this subscription. There are a lot of them. You can take workshops at your own pace and do assignments on the regular ones at your own pace as well. For new workshops, like the two new announced yesterday, they…
Two New Regular Workshops Posted
How to Study Workshop and How to Use Tags Workshop… Both new workshops will start in September and both are available right now to sign up for in Teachable. I think both of these will be as amazing as the Information Flow workshop. And the Tag workshop might be as game-changing as Writing with Depth. Not kidding. And we will present it in the same example method so you can really see them for the first time. Both of these workshops have been added to the lifetime subscription for workshops. Lifetime subscribers are already in the workshops if you want to take them in September. Otherwise you can wait until…