Now I’m Getting Nervous
This Is A Good Thing… Six Days and Counting… If I was not getting nervous about the challenge of writing ten novels in one hundred days, the challenge wouldn’t be challenging me. So yes, I am nervous and excited at the same time. Where my focus has gone now, six days out from the start, is making sure my schedule here in Vegas has enough time built into it. I have only really been here for three weeks. So everything, including this office, is still new. That will make this interesting. I can’t just drop down into old habits and routines of 23 years on the coast. That’s worrisome all…
Summary Of Everything Going On
Four Major Things… So I thought I would try to sort them out and be clear on them, especially since a couple of these are ending soon or have limited space. 1… Novel and Short Story Challenge… Both the Novel Challenge and the Short Story Challenge have started. I have one spot open in both challenges still, so you can jump in any time between now and Tuesday, September 4th. Then it closes off. Costs $600 but you get two workshop credits for just giving either challenge a try. More information at Novel And Short Story Challenge. 2… Follow Along Living at Pulp Speed Five. I announced this last night…
Living At Pulp Speed Five
Here I Go Again… A challenge to myself and a way for some of you to follow closely along and learn. That’s right, a crazy idea on both sides. See more below on this. Let me back into explaining this. Pulp Speed comes from Star Trek War Speed and is a way to sort of shorthand the speed that old pulp writers used to write at regularly for years. Pulp Speed One is 1 million words per year or about 83,000 words per month. So if you write 83,000 words in a month, you wrote at Pulp Speed that month. Pulp Speed Two is 1.2 million words in a year…
Talking About Sayings
Saw A Good One Tonight.. “If you think you understand what you’re doing, you’re not learning anything.” Wow does this apply to writing. Writing, as many have learned in the workshops, is an art that the more you learn, the more you realize you have to learn. I love that part of it and always chase the next level up, constantly learning. So many of our workshops are awareness workshops, designed to basically tell you this area of writing and craft is here, and that your creative voice can use it when needed. Writing with Depth, which many have taken, is one of those “Wow, didn’t know that was how…
We Made It! In Less Than Three Days!!
Flashed Past Our Kickstarter Goal… Needless to say, our is going great since we hit our goal in less than three days. So up next we have some amazing stretch goals, including a lot of books. In fact, if it goes all the way to the top nosebleed levels, everyone supporting will get 25 different books as bonus, not counting whatever each person signed up for and the Fiction River subscriptions. And along the way we will open up submissions to a couple Fiction River volumes as well, the first time in six years. So get friends to jump into this one just for the extra books and incredible volumes…
Stage Coach Novel In A New Bundle
All Kinds of Things Going On… I wanted to remind everyone now that we are two months away from the Business Master Class. Post on that below this one. And our is going great and has some fantastic deals on workshops as well as Fiction River subscriptions. And remember, if you sign up for workshop credits on the subscription drive, you also get a free classic workshop for each workshop you sign up for. That is extra and only announced here. http://kck.st/2LxjXda Also, I have one of my favorite Thunder Mountain novels in a new Storybundle put together by Kevin J. Anderson. It has some amazing writers in it, so…
Master Business Class Reminder
WMG Publishing Business Master Class: The Cutting Edge of the Publishing Business New York Times and USA Today bestselling writers and renowned business and industry bloggers Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith lead this intense five days of business and publishing learning. Full information at www.wmgworkshops.com Kris and Dean are joined by at least ten other experts. — Mark Leslie (Lefebvre), acclaimed writer, podcaster, editor, and formally with Kobo. — Kevin J. Anderson, New York Times bestselling writer and co-owner of the premier indie press Wordfire Press. — Rebecca Moesta, New York Times bestselling writer of young adult books and co-owner of the premier indie press Wordfire Press. — David…
Great First Day of the Subscription Drive
Got Some Great Questions… And a bunch of people got in under the 24 hours to get a free book of Kris’s called Spree. Thank you everyone for the support on our It is wonderful how Fiction River is going strong and with some fantastic writers. And we hit twelve issues since our last subscription drive, right on target and pace. —- I got some questions about the webinar that Kris and I will do for a reward on Kickstarter. It will only be offered on this subscription drive and is general publishing and writing questions. In other words, those of you who sign up for it set the topic…
Live Question Sessions with Me and Kris
It’s A Reward On Kickstarter Actually three sessions. One session with me, one with Kris, and one with both of us answering questions about writing and publishing. It’s at the new at the $300 level. All kinds of cool stuff this year in our third in six years. (We do one every two years.) And as I said in the last post, you can get a ton of extra books (up to 25 books) if this goes as high as the past, and if it goes a little higher than the past drive, we will do an open call for one or two volumes of Fiction River, something Kris and I…
Fiction River Kickstarter Subscription Drive
Now Live!! All kinds of cool stuff this year in our third in six years. (We do one every two years.) You can get a ton of extra books (up to 25 books) if this goes as high as the past, and if it goes a little higher than the past drive, we will do an open call for one or two volumes of Fiction River, something Kris and I swore we would never do. (grin) Yes, I said open call. But we aren’t doing it unless this subscription drive beats the last one two years ago by $5,000. So it is possible. So writers, pass the word about this one.…