• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night,  Writing in Public

    More Year End Stuff

      More Year End Stuff Kris and I went to see Star Wars. No I will not talk about it here or anywhere for that matter. (grin) Stay safe on New Year’s Eve. It’s amateur night with the drunks. Dangerous out there. ——- THE DAY After the movie we had a nice late lunch. Then I headed up to WMG offices to work on year-end stuff there. Then home to cook dinner and get my 10,000 steps done. Haven’t missed since November 11th. Then in here to get the new chapter of Heinlein’s Rules up. Then after some television, I started into the big switch of computers. I bought a brand…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Heinlein’s Rules: Chapter Six

    HEINLEIN’S RULES Five Simple Business Rules for Writing   CHAPTER SIX  Continuing with the third rule. Rule #3: You Must Refrain From Rewriting Unless to Editorial Order. I wanted to go at this rule one more time to make sure I’ve been clear. Most of the time, in this modern world, rewriting is when you do a sloppy first draft with the intent of “letting it sit” (dumbest thing I have ever heard) and then “fix it” later. That assumes, of course, that your story is broken. And that you have suddenly gained a vast amount of new skills since doing the story the first time. I will often get comments…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night,  Writing in Public

    Working On Year End Stuff

      Year End Stuff Mostly a normal day. Dialog workshop announcement below. New chapter of Heinlein’s Rules book above this. And for fun I looked at how many words I wrote so far this year. Ready?…. 1,257,000 original words. 711,000 of that was fiction and nonfiction. The rest was e-mail and blogs. I did not count replies on the various comment sections I moderate. That’s Pulp Speed Two.  (Pulp Speed One is over a million words, Pulp Speed Two is over 1.2 million words. Pulp Speed Three is over 1.4 million.) ——- THE DAY Got a bunch of walking in and planning for 2016, did workshop stuff, cooked dinner, got…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Heinlein’s Rules: Chapter Five

    HEINLEIN’S RULES Five Simple Business Rules for Writing   CHAPTER FIVE Moving now to the third rule. Rule #3: You Must Refrain From Rewriting Unless to Editorial Order. So this is the rule that gets all the attention here in the modern world, even though it is the first two rules that stop most want-to-be writers. And the fourth rule also stops writers who can finish something from becoming professional writers. Everybody in this modern world looks for ways and reasons around this rule. That’s how ingrained the modern myth of rewriting is in our culture. One good thing right off about this rule. If you don’t rewrite, just get it…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night,  Writing in Public

    Just Dripping Along

      Just Dripping Along Every day I sort of get some more words on the Dead Hand novel. Not that many, but that’s because I haven’t been giving it any focus, meaning time. Hope to change that soon. I’m enjoying writing it when I get there. ——- THE DAY Managed to get some errands done and then to WMG Publishing by 3:30 p.m. Headed out shortly after to walk with two other professional writers. Got way over 10,000 steps today. Made it back to WMG Publishing offices to work on moving stuff and workshop stuff until 7 p.m.  Home to cook dinner, then back in here to do workshop assignments.…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Heinlein’s Rules: Chapter Four

    HEINLEIN’S RULES Five Simple Business Rules for Writing   CHAPTER FOUR Moving now to the second rule. Rule #2: You Must Finish What You Write. Say 9 out of 10 people who claim they want to write are wiped out by Rule #1 because they “just can’t find the time.” If that is the case, then my guess is that another half of the remaining writers are stopped cold by Rule #2. Now, I have to be honest, I never had an issue with this rule, so I mostly just ignored it. I always finished what I wrote. Part of that was the early challenge to mail a story per week,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night,  Writing in Public

    Productive Day

      Productive Day Workshop stuff done, moving stuff done, nonfiction written, and some fiction as well. Not bad. ——- THE DAY Managed to get some errands done and get to WMG Publishing offices around 3 p.m. Worked there on workshop stuff and moving stuff until I had to run more errands a little after 6 p.m. Home to cook dinner, then in here to do workshop assignments. I was also way behind on my 10,000 steps, so after getting the assignments done, Kris and I went to watch the Voice finals and I paced while doing so to get my 10,000 finished. Then in here to work on Heinlein’s Rules.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night,  Writing in Public

    Too Many Hours

      Too Many Hours Far, far, far too many hours in front of a computer today, not a bit of it writing. I got up and moved around regularly and rested my eyes, but didn’t even have time for a nap. So no writing tonight. Back at it tomorrow and back at Heinlein’s Rules as well. —— Anthology Workshop Notice Those in the anthology workshop, ten of you missed the first assignment. Second assignment is now posted. ——- THE DAY Got up early again, dealt with some business issues I didn’t want to have to ever deal with, then managed to get to the store and to WMG Publishing to…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Heinlein’s Rules: Chapter Three

    HEINLEIN’S RULES Five Simple Business Rules for Writing   CHAPTER THREE Still working on rule number one. Rule #1: You Must Write. Back in 1982, when I climbed onto my challenge to use Heinlein’s Rules and write a story per week and mail each story every week, I had one major issue that I fought. Fear. No idea what I was afraid of, but the fear was real. On December 31st, 1981, my thinking was that every story had to be perfect, had to be worked over and over and before I dared send it out. And it had to be written slowly and carefully to be good. I believed…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Heinlein’s Rules: Chapter One & Chapter Two

    HEINLEIN’S RULES Five Simple Business Rules for Writing   CHAPTER ONE For lack of a better way of putting it, Heinlein’s Rules allow you to get to the fun of being a writer. They also help us all remember we are entertainers. About a decade or so ago, I was asked by a professor of English at the University of Oregon to come talk to one of his advanced creative writing classes about the reality of being a full-time fiction writer. I had a hunch I was going to not do nice things to their brains. And I looked on that possibility as my sacred job description. But it turned…