• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Feel the Fear Pictures

    Great Fun At The End of the Night… After the session tonight at the Master Business Class, we called for pictures of the authors in Fiction River: Feel the Fear and also the authors in the Fear bundle on Storybundle.com which has Feel the Fear volume in it. It was a calm picture, but then the fear took over… In the picture back row from left to right is Lauryn Christopher, J.F. Penn, me, Mark Leslie Lefebvre, Eric Edstrom, T. Thorn Coyle, Dayle A. Dermatis, David Stier, Michael Kowal, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Allyson Longueira, Michael Lucas. One very tired bunch of professional writers. (grin)  

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Orville and Star Trek

    Relaxing… To take a break this week from being brain-fried with so much information and learning at the Master Business Class, for an hour each night I watched Star Trek, and Orville. I love the fact that there are two Star Trek shows on right now, even though Orville isn’t actually Trek. And Trek would never dare do such a show either. The Star Trek fans would crucify it. But as a drama-comedy not actually called Trek, but in the vein of Next Generation, Orville is great fun. And fascinating how Orville tackles some pretty major themes, just as Original Trek did. The full democracy episode I watched tonight was…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Screwed Up Sleep For More Than Just Me

    Getting Up In The Middle of My Night… Normally at 9 a.m. I am three hours into sleeping. Normally. (I work until six a.m. most nights.) But this week I have gotten up every morning at 9 a.m., stunned to see there was sun at that unbelievable time of the day. I have almost adjusted after four days now. Joanna Penn is here from Great Britain. And Mark from Kobo just got in from the eastern time zone of Canada. I noticed tonight that Joanna has also adjusted to the massive time switch and was at the late-night session talking for the first time. Mark seems to adjust flawlessly since…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Brain Frazzled Tonight

    Is Frazzled a Word?… I think it is, but my brain is too frazzled to care to look it up. So much information pouring in, so many conversations, so much fun. I will talk more about this stuff, all the learning, after this week. I had planned to update a post tonight on Making a Living with Short Fiction. Far too much work at the moment to get to the simple answer that yes, in this new world you could make a living only writing short stories. But I will finish the post next week when the brain unfrazzles, which I am fairly certain isn’t a word. Defrazzles? Becomes frazzle-less?…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Learning a Bunch of Great Stuff

    Great Conversations With Writers… Having some wonderful conversations with other professional writers about business and having a blast and learning. I’m going to let sink in for a week the stuff I am learning this week and then maybe talk about some of it here. But not this week. Besides, my new challenge has got me fired up and I want to start getting ready for that first part of the challenge, which is writing 30 short stories in November. And in my spare moments I am doing some reading on the reader challenge a few of you are doing and putting together Issue Zero of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine which…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    My Two New Challenges

    Yes… Two, Not One, but Two… In a couple weeks I turn 67 years old. I do not want birthday wishes please. Thanks anyway. But the point of telling you that I start into my 67th year is the challenges. First Challenge is a Health Challenge. Last year my walking/running plans did not pan out as I had hoped, so time to reset. I did lose more weight last year, so that was a success. And I figured out what stopped me, another success. So the challenge is this… I am going to run my age.  In varied races I will run 67 miles of races. They might be a…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Job By Another Name

    I Sort Of Have A Job… Well, I don’t get paid for it, so not sure you could call it a job. And it has no regular hours or things like that. But because of us buying a third retail store, and the ramping up of a bunch of publishing stuff this winter and spring, Allyson and Kris have decided I need to sort of take over the stores. (Allyson and Billy were sort of doing it before, splitting duties.) Now Billy,  the head of WMG Sales, runs our south store and will be starting at the end of this year and into next year an entire new phase of…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Working All Evening On Lectures

    Took a While… On Monday I am doing two lectures, one on corporations for writers and one on IP Valuation and Copyright Termination Clause. Great fun for me. I love reading about copyright and studying copyright. Why wouldn’t I? It’s how I make my living. So tonight I got deep into the Google of articles on those topics (and others, of course, when Google is at play.) I already had my lectures pretty set, just wanted to play more. (grin) Should be a fun few hours for at least me. Not sure how the poor folks who will be listening will take it. (grin) What is a Copyright Termination Clause?…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Back To Regular Programming

    The Dust is Settling… It’s going to take one more week of fun stuff before everything returns to normal around here. But all fun and massive learning. Nothing stressful at all. I have spent part of the evening reading short stories from the challenge going on. And also planning out a new challenge for myself for the coming year. And part of the challenge is to do another short story month in November before turning back to novels and other projects. Also getting out Issue Zero of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine in November. Plus reading short stories coming in for the challenge. So going to be a really fun short-fiction month.…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Kickstarter Finished Strong

    Wow, just Wow!!!… Thank you, everyone, for the support for bringing back Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. It means more than you know. As for those of you who took the workshop reward, hold on for a short time and we’ll contact you through Kickstarter just before the end of the month. And yes, you can take November workshops just fine. They don’t start until the 7th, so lots of time to sign up once we contact you. No one will be blocked from a November workshop they want to take, so no worries there. Same with the lectures. We’ll contact you through a survey in Kickstarter around the first of the…