Back to the Future…
The Next Kris and Dean Show…
That’s right, Kris and I are going to take apart on video the 40-year-old-movie BACK TO THE FUTURE.
We watched half of it tonight and will watch the other half tomorrow and then record the three hours of videos on Monday and Tuesday and it will come out the next day.
Wow does this movie still stand up perfectly.
We are going to be talking about plotting, information flow (a lot), pacing, characters, and so much more. And I hope in an entertaining way.
The Kris and Dean Show Does Die Hard is also still up.
So until this launches on Wednesday, you can get THE KRIS AND DEAN SHOW DOES BACK TO THE FUTURE for $50. Then after launch it goes to $75.
Trust me, you will learn a ton about story telling and writing and plotting and information flow and characters and so much more after listening to Kris and I take this movie apart to show you how it is done.
And this movie could have been written this way in prose form easily.
The special stretch goal is going great. Help us pass the word to get more fun fiction and workshops for writers.
Here is the link to it. Marble Grant Kickstarter
Story tonight was a very whacked-out Bryant Street story called “Next Tenants.” Actually got writing this afternoon and then got back to it in the early evening before turning to doing workshop and Pulphouse stuff. Then back with it after midnight again. So it felt a lot, lot better, giving myself the time.
Getting closer on the new Shopify store and I am getting closer to putting the first couple of collections together.
We almost have lift-off.
I also did a list off the top of my head of some of my series that have short stories involved. Just so I have it to glance at. I think I have done three or four stories so far not in a series, and started one brand new series and brand.
Today when I glanced at the list of series, I realized I had not added in Bryant Street. I am sure I have missed a number of other series on my master list.