Challenge,  publishing,  workshops

Attend the 2024 Licensing Expo with Kris and Dean

Kris and I Will Have a Blast…

And share a ton of information.  Here is the sales stuff on the class. (It is already in the Everything Subscription.)

Virtually Attend the 2024 Licensing Expo With Kris and Dean

In 2024, the Licensing Expo is being held May 21-23 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center here in Vegas. 

This is a virtual way to go along with me and Kris. Low Tech, but virtual.

We will post some videos here about our process of signing up, getting ready, making appointments, and so on. We will be talking about our thinking about this year’s expo, the planning for next year’s expo and maybe having a booth in a year or so, and so on.

And also we will talk a bunch a bout why this is worth attending for every indie publisher.

We will walk you through all the process of getting there and your badges and so on the day before.

Then each day of the conference we will take a ton of photos and videos to load up here about what we saw, nifty ideas for licenses, people we talked to, and so much more. Those three days of the actual convention will be jammed packed here. We will do our best between the two of us to get to everything in the conference, but that will take all three days and a lot of videos.

And then for a few days afterwards we will talk about the value, the connections we made, what we learned, and a ton more.

So you can attend the 2023 Licensing Expo with me and Kris

If you have been thinking and hearing about the Licensing Expo, this is the way to get a real sense and flavor of it. And learn a ton in the process.

Join us.