Challenge,  Fun Stuff

Aces Game…

The Day Was Dominated By the Game…

Left the condo around 3:30 to get to Slice of Vegas pizza in the Mandalay Bay complex… Yes, after three days there for the Expo, I go right back for an Aces game.

Great pizza and we made it to our season ticket seats with a lot of time to spare. Place was packed as normal, but even more so with Caitlen Clark being in the building with her team the Fever.

The two-time defending world champions Aces made short work of the rookie sensation and her team, but still a fun game to watch. I’m sure Kris will have a post about it on her Facebook page tomorrow.

Dinner on the way home, then a nap for me, then some television, then finally around midnight I made it into this office to do email and other stuff. A really fun Saturday. Not going to ruin it for myself talking about something serious here.