Fiction River,  On Writing

24 Hours To Go

Fiction River Subscription Drive Kickstarter…

A nifty award that also allows you to send a story to try to be in a Fiction River volume, fantastic discounts on workshops (remember, with every regular workshop credit through the Kickstarter, you get a free Classic Workshop credit as well.)

And if you want to see what Fiction River is all about, and all the nifty volumes that have already been done, go to and click on previous volumes. It’s a stunner.

Don’t miss out on this one.


  • J.A. Marlow

    I saved up and grabbed the lifetime workshop subscription. Whew. Now have a lot of studying and learning to do this winter!

    I tried to also grab the lifetime lecture one, as well, but I don’t think I’m doing something right. I think I can only do one pledge?

    • dwsmith

      Yes, it will only allow one pledge per person. However, if you want the lecture lifetime, you have two choices. Just add that much to your other pledge by upping the amount. Or just write me directly at and let me know. Then pay the same amount through Paypal at which is the connection to WMG Publishing.

      We are using money coming in directly outside of Paypal to credit to Fiction River during this if someone tells us during the subscription drive they would rather not go through Kickstarter.

      Thanks for the support of Fiction River. Very much appreciated.