Challenge,  workshops



Here is the first post again that I wrote about these classes back three weeks ago. Feel free to write me with questions.

Big New Two-Part Class With Webinar!!

We are going there.

Right into the teeth of Writer’s Block.

Kris and I sat down a couple days ago over lunch and started talking about, and writing down, the types of writer’s blocks we have fought through or seen others fight.

We defined the term “writer’s block” as something that causes writers to not write as much fiction as they want, or at slower speeds, or without fun, or in worse cases, not at all.

(You writing at 400 words per hour, that is a form of writer’s block. Can’t finish stories… writer’s block. Dealing with family issues or job issues and feel you can’t write as much as you want… writer’s block. Ideas too big to tackle, or not worth your time… writer’s block. Feeling no self-worth or negative family or negative focus in a workshop causing you to doubt yourself… writer’s block. Asking yourself “What is the point?”… writer’s block. Comparing to the success of other writers, money pressure, can’t figure out what next to write, and so on and so on… writer’s block.)

Biggest element of writer’s block in so many instances is fear in one form or another. Very real and very possible to deal with.

We stopped listing forms when we had over 50 distinct different types of writer’s block. I know over the years I have fought through a good dozen of them myself. (One that almost killed me was “What’s the point?”) I shake my head in amazement at times that I am still here and writing.

So we came up with these two classes to help others get through writer’s block and prepare for the blocks that are coming that you might now even see. Or even realize you are in.

WRITER’S BLOCK FREEDOM PART 1… October/November (starts October 1st) 9 weeks of classes, 8 assignments, 7 webinars.

WRITER’S BLOCK FREEDOM PART 2… January/Feb (starts January 7th ) 9 weeks of classes, 8 assignments, 9 webinars.

December off and you must take part one to take part two.

As Kris and I talked and planned this class, it became clear to me and Kris that this class needed a webinar component. Weekly live webinars where those taking the class, if they wanted, could gather and talk about some of the battles against writer’s block. And also a place Kris and I could do live presentations that would be better than the videos each week. Answer questions directly as well. (Webinars will be recorded and are not mandatory to attend, so no worries.)

Each week will have five or six videos plus an assignment. Nine weeks each session.

And Steph suggested we add in some fun merch with cool sayings to give to those attending to help motivations. So merch included.

With the webinar and 18 weeks of classes over the two parts, this will be held on the WMGWriterStore. (No subscriptions from Teachable apply.)

The cost is $500 per class or $900 if you buy them both at the same time.

Just go to the WMGWriterStore to sign up for these two major classes.

There is no escaping writer’s block in its many forms for any writers I have ever met. These classes will pay for themselves in just new words and sales and bringing the fun back into your fiction.

Questions, feel free to ask. But first read the introduction on the WMGWriterStore and also watch the video I did there as an introduction. More information there.

Writer’s Block Freedom

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