Challenge,  workshops

Workshops Information and Sale Ending…

Workshop 50% Off Sale Ends Monday!!

A ton of workshop information tonight since the half-price office-moving sale is ending on Monday on Teachable. The code to get anything at half price is…


Here is a summary of information in this post…

  • — Information on Lifetime Subscriptions…
  • — Information on new “Buy Five for the Price of Four”…
  • — November Regular Workshops Now Up…
  • — List of Classic Workshops… All 47 of them…

Starting with the List of Classic Workshops…

I don’t think many know of the fantastic selection of writing and publishing classes we have that are Classic Workshops. I have no memory of doing a list of them, and since we have a way to buy your choice of five classic workshops for the price of four (fantastic deal in the sale), I thought I would list them tonight.

They are all six weeks long with five assignments you do for yourself. About 40 videos each. They were all regular workshops at one time.  So in no particular order, the 47 classic workshops are:

  • Science Fiction
  • Thrillers
  • Fantasy
  • Mysteries
  • Time Travel
  • Westerns
  • Romance
  • Short Stories
  • Genre Structure
  • Novel Structure
  • Ideas to Story
  • Adding Suspense
  • Series
  • Secrets in Craft
  • Reader Expectations
  • Plotting with Depth
  • Secondary Plot Lines
  • Character Development
  • Point of View
  • Author Voice
  • Character Voice
  • Pacing
  • Cliffhangers
  • Emotion
  • Character and Dialog
  • Tags
  • Endings
  • Information Flow
  • Power Words
  • Research in Fiction
  • Attitude
  • Magic Bakery
  • Heinlein’s Rules
  • Pulp Speed
  • Speed
  • Productivity
  • Study
  • Editing Your Own Work
  • Think Like a Publisher
  • Business of Fiction Writing
  • Making a Living with Novels
  • Covers 101
  • Publishing 101
  • Licensing 101
  • Fiction Sales Copy
  • Kickstarter
  • Media Kit

Wow, that is a stunning amount of learning and information about writing and publishing that has been built up. See why a Lifetime Workshop Subscription is such a good deal? Especially at half price. And you can now buy a choice of five for the price of four.

Information on the new Buy Five for the Price of Four

They are right under the lifetime subscriptions on the first page on WMG Teachable. We have them for the 47 Classic Workshops, the 91 Pop-Up Classes, and the growing Kickstarter Classic classes.

And yes, you can buy the choice of five Kickstarter Classics even though not all of the first 40 plus are up yet. The list is a few posts back. Right now the first five are up and I am managing about two a day, so going to take me until December to finish the first 40 or so. (No sale scheduled between now and next year sometime.)

Sale information is above or in previous posts… Ends Monday!

Information on Lifetime Subscriptions…

Right now the best Lifetime Subscription we have by far is the LIFETIME EVERYTHING SUBSCRIPTION. This is for everything on Teachable that is up now or will be posted on Teachable into the future. Everything.

And it is available at half price as well, which makes it a stunning deal while the sale lasts. And if you already have another lifetime subscription, write me and I will give you more discount.

New November Regular Workshops Now Available…

They start November 5th and 6th…

  • 44… Writing into the Dark
  • 45… Teams in Fiction
  • 46… Depth in Writing
  • 48… Killing the Critical Voice
  • 50… Advanced Depth

They are also on sale through Monday at WMGTeachable.

Simply use the code to get 50% off everything. Code is…






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