Workshop Updates
A Bunch of Them…
Figured I would do this workshop summary after I scared everyone yesterday with managing to get through two months of the challenge. (grin)
So here I go…
IN PERSON CRAFT CLASSES… And Study Along Classes…
Kris has the reading list up on the Gothic Study Along on Teachable. I have sent everyone signed up for the in-person class a letter on how to get into the Study Along to get the reading list.
Two spots in the May Gothic workshop. $750. Four says of Kris working with you on craft. May 5th-8th. Write me if interested.
Also on Teachable there is the Study Along for the Gothic Workshop. And a novella add-on class if you take the in-person or Study Along class.
One last thing on the In-Person. We had one person drop out of the Lifetime In-Person Subscription that we were holding a spot for. So one spot left open. $3,000. If interested, write me.
Kris is talking each week for four or five videos about craft in this new century. Really amazing and informative. No assignments, just learning every Monday from one of the best writers working in fiction.
She is only two weeks in on the 9 week class, so easy to catch up. 3rd week comes out on Monday. Cost is $250. Really an amazing class. On Teachable
Advanced Craft Workshops
Three 9-week classes starting March 4th on Teachable. Again, these are advanced craft classes to help you take your writing to the next level.
Really surprised not manny are signed up for the Advanced Setting. You think you know Depth with setting, you have no real idea.
- Advanced Setting
- Advanced Humor
- Advanced Character Development
All three nine-weeks long and are $500 each.
Everything Subscribers you do not have to tell me you are taking the class.
Regular Workshops
This month there are two extra regular workshops on Teachable, brought back from the Classic workshops to Regular Workshops for only one month. Five assignments in each one.
Starting March 4th…
- March Writing Into the Dark
- March Teams in Fiction
- March Depth in Writing
- March Applied Depth (one month only)
- March Killing the Critical Voice
- March Reaching Pulp Speed (one month only)
- March Advanced Depth
All workshops are on WMG Teachable.
Any questions on any of these classes, feel free to write me.
Lifetime Everything or Lifetime Workshops, write me for the code to get into any of these you want to take.
Everyone who signed up for the Special Workshops on the Marble Grant Kickstarter should have gotten the letter tonight with the links. If you signed up for those and did not get the letter, check your spam filter because there were links in the letter. If not there, write me.
Also got out all the Die Hard and Back to the Future codes for those of you who signed up for those on the Kickstarter. And the stretch goal workshops went out a while back through an update.
The four Marble Grant books are in the works and should be sometime late March or early April as planned.
Publishing Planning Workshops…
I talked about them a few weeks back. They are delayed. Maybe for a month or so. Just want to get them right before we put them up. If we can’t get them right, we won’t do them.
But I do have two coaching spots left. Write me if interested in having me help you through a phase of publishing that scares you or bothers you, or that you just want to learn how to do it right.