
Well, I’ll Call It A Day

After 3 AM Right Now…

Planned originally tonight to write another article on one of the cool ideas some of you offered up.

Plans… You know that word? A delusional look into a future that has no hope at all of ever becoming a reality.

Day started with me up ahead of my normal time doing business and workshop stuff. So started off tired. Then off to my PT session. They are getting harder as I am near the end and the docs are pushing me on regaining strength. Oh, joy…

Got home, changed clothes and off to have a great pizza dinner with Ron and Lisa and Bridget Collins before heading to watch the home opener of the World Champion Aces. Got to watch the Aces get their rings and also raise the banner in the stadium.

Great game, they won. Home around 10:30 to take a quick nap and then head in here to record and do other things including work on a new Kickstarter project.

Now after 3 am and no brain to write anything of value. So tomorrow.