Challenge,  workshops

Value on Lifetime Everything Subscription…

Got An Observation That I Have To Respond To…

Someone commented that if they bought a Lifetime Everything Subscription to our workshops on WMG Teachable, it would take years to make up for the costs in new workshops.

I went, “Huh, that’s not right.” But I wasn’t sure, so I had to go figure it out to make sure. (grin)

Here are the new classes and workshops we have added onto Teachable since January 1st of this year (2025). In essence under three months. ONLY THE NEW STUFF!!

(Remember, the Lifetime Everything Subscription is for the 600 or so classes and workshops already there, plus everything going into the future.)

So assuming a person got a Lifetime Everything Subscription on January 1st, how many new workshops would be available to them by now, the last week of March. New, above the 600 already there.

  • 1… Publishing Mondays. (Weekly videos for the entire year on Publishjng.) Cost $1,500
  • 2… Bite-Sized Branding and Trademark (Weekly videos on branding and trademarks for the entire year.) Cost $1,500
  • 3… Craft in the 21st Century (Taught by Kris for nine weeks.) Cost$250
  • 4… Licensing… How to Build a Brand (9 weeks) Cost $400 early bird.
  • 5… Challenge Yourself 2025 (entire year) Cost $600
  • 6… Challenge with Dean 2025 (entire year) Cost $600
  • 7… Half Challenge with Dean 2025 (entire year) Cost $300
  • 8… Kris and Dean Show Does Die Hard (About three hours) Cost $75
  • 9… Kris and Dean Show Does Back to the Future (About three hours) Cost $75
  • 10… Kris Write Along for Busy People (#1 and #2) Cost $50 each so $100 for both.
  • 11… 5 Different Study Along classes with Kris… (Spread over two years) $300 each or $1,500 total.
  • 12… 3 Different novella write along with the Study Along. (Kris reads) $150 each or $450 total.
  • 13… Also 5 Regular Workshops in January, 6 Regular Workshops in Feb, 7 Regular workshops in March. So 18 $300 Regular workshops available to you. Say you took one per month, total would be $900.

Total would be for classes started since January 1st $8,250.

Wow, a busy first few months of the year!! Wow.

In February and now in March, we are selling the Lifetime Everything Subscriptions for $5,000. (Half price)

I think we have way, way underpriced this. (grin)

And no telling how many more classes and workshops coming through just the rest of this year, not counting into future years. This is a stunning deal.

So for the moment, the only sale we are running is the Lifetime Everything Subscription for $5,000. Write me directly if interested.

(And yes, if you have another lifetime subscription like say to workshops, we will discount even that sale price some.)

And no, we will not be running any general sales in the future.


At the moment we are offering those for $3,500.  Write me if interested there. That price will go up to $5,000 as we get some bugs worked out.




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