Challenge,  workshops

Two Deadlines and Two New Regular Workshops…

Yup, Adding Two Regular Six Weeks Workshops…

But first, the two deadlines.

The Kris Fall Writing Challenge will close on Monday the 19th. Kris sends out an email about her writing day and running day and total word count every day from August 15th to September 30.

If you sign up and don’t match her word count, you get your $300 in credit on WMG Teachable. If you surpass her word count, you get twice what you paid in credit. So win/win. Right now, the letters are both being sent out and put in a post for those signing up this weekend to not miss anything.

As of Monday sign-ups close and daily reports by Kris will be sent by email.  Fantastic fun and good to keep you focused on the writing, which is why Kris is doing it. Don’t miss this challenge to get a glimpse at how Kris writes.

Second deadline… Monday, the 19th the early bird price to get into the 2026 Anthology Workshop the first week of August here in Vegas will expire. After Monday the price goes from $750 to $1,000. (Fully refundable at any point up to one month ahead of the workshop.)

The workshop is limited and is over 3/4 filled already. Grab your spot while you can at a cheaper price. Write me directly for information on how to pay the $750 fee.

By the way, we have one Lifetime Subscription to In-Person classes available. $3,000. Write me for details.


Starting September 3rd, two new Regular six-week workshops are being added. All September workshops are available now.

The two new regular workshops in September are…

BRUSHSTROKE CHARACTERS… How to write the characters that are not main or secondary characters in your stories or novels. To do this right is an art form, and this workshop will give you the basics in six weeks on how to do it to make your stories thicker and richer without distracting. (We initially thought of this as an advanced craft class but as you will see in a day, 2025 Advanced Craft topics are great.)

FAKING IT… We are talking about a difficult and yet important craft technique in fiction. Top writers are masters at this, early stage writers get lost in their own details. This is a critical craft workshop to help you stay in information flow and characterization. (Again, we had this as an advanced nine-week class but figured out how it would work great as a regular class.)

BOTH NEW classes are in the Lifetime Workshop Subscription and you do not need to tell me you are going to take it the first month. Just take it. But remember these two classes will be regular workshops for some time into the future. I will tell you when they are going classic, so no rush in taking them.

Speaking of Classic Workshops, for one month only HEINLEIN’S RULES workshop is back. Lifetime Subscribers, if you want to take it and do the assignments or any of the other regular classes besides the two new ones, write me for the codes.

Full list of Regular Workshops starting September 3rd.

  • 22… Heinlein’s Rules
  • 23… Brushstroke Characters
  • 24… Writing into the Dark
  • 26… Depth in Writing
  • 28… Killing the Critical Voice
  • 29… Faking It Workshop
  • 30… Advanced Depth

Write me directly with questions about anything…

One Comment

  • Aniket Gore

    I’m following your Character Focus bundle and this sounds great as an addition. Thanks for these workshops.