Challenge,  workshops

The Last Big Workshop Clean-Up…

Down in the Details Classes…

Wow did I get behind, first because of my eye issues and then because of the shoulder surgery and recovery. But now I am back focused on finishing all of these.

There are five groups of 8 classes each. Science Fiction, Mystery, Fantasy, Perfect Crime, and Holiday Stories. All have story prompts attached that can be submitted to a paying anthology for each class.

Perfect Crimes Through Time and Holiday Stories are not posted yet on Teachable. They will appear in May as I record them.

Science Fiction has five of the eight topics done, Fantasy has one, and Mystery none.

Some of these were given as part of stretch rewards in Kickstarters and when those get finished, the codes to get into the classes will be sent as backer updates to the Kickstarters. So if you have a few coming, just hang on, they will get there.

Wow, sorry for the delay on these.  Seems life rolls slowed these down a year or so and I find it amazing how much time has passed to be honest.

So my goal now is to have these all done and accepting story submissions from the classes by the end of May, if not sooner.

When all completed, these Down in the Details series of classes are going to be really fun. I am actually looking forward to recording them all.

Stay tuned…