Challenge,  workshops

The Art of the Novella Series

First Class Starts in One Week…

You can see the information for each 3-month class on

The first class is Science Fiction Novellas. Nine weeks of classes and one month of writing. 4 different genres over the year. For more information, go to the writer store and watch the videos that Kris did about the classes.

We have another smaller series starting up this week. Stay turned.

And the new quarters of Motivational Monday and Creative Survival are starting next week as well.

Plus the 2024 words per day challenge in 2024 will have an April restart or fresh start.

If you are an Everything Subscriber in the challenge, go to the to buy your mug. If you are signed up for the challenge and paid for the challenge, write me directly and I will get you a code to get your free mug.

So stay tuned this week for the April through December 2024 words per day challenge that will also get you a mug.

Lots of stuff starting this coming week.