Challenge,  workshops

Thanks for All the Kind Thoughts…

I Really Appreciated Them…

Especially as I limped around all day and took two naps. (grin)

Managed to keep up the stories and do email and some assignments. I should be caught up by tomorrow.

So let me tell you about a few workshops I am really proud we are doing.


Writer’s Block…

It is on the WMG Writer Store

We are doing a third session. If you have problems getting up to the speed you want or just not writing much at all, you can get the first two sessions of nine weeks each with webinars each week, all recorded, and then fire into the third session. It is helping a lot of people.

Advanced Craft Workshops

Three 9-week classes starting March 4th on Teachable. Again, these are advanced craft classes to help you take your writing to the next level.

  • Advanced Setting
  • Advanced Humor
  • Advanced Character Development

All three nine-weeks long and are $500.

Everything Subscribers you do not have to tell me you are taking the class.

Regular Workshops

This month there are two extra on Teachable, brought back from the Classic workshops to Regular Workshops for only one month. Five assignments in each one.

Starting March 4th…

  • March Writing Into the Dark
  • March Teams in Fiction
  • March Depth in Writing
  • March Applied Depth (one month only)
  • March Killing the Critical Voice
  • March Reaching Pulp Speed (one month only)
  • March Advanced Depth

All workshops are on WMG Teachable.

Any questions on any of these classes, feel free to write me.

Lifetime Everything or Lifetime Workshops, write me for the code to get into any of these you want to take.

If you are interested in getting the LIFETIME EVERYTHING subscription, it has been on sale for February for half price. Write me if interested.


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