Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

Talking About Advanced Craft….

So Much To Learn and It Never Ends with Craft..

I am always calling very advanced and successful writers “Stage Four” writers because they do things in craft and storytelling to hold readers. And readers never see what the writer is doing and most middle stage writers can’t see it either. Sort of like watching a chess master when you “play” chess. You know the pieces and how they are supposed to move, but you can’t see what the chess master is doing.

So a few years back Kris and I put together 18 Advanced Craft Workshops. They are nine weeks long each. We did six in 2023, six more this year in 2024, and have the last six announced for 2025. So each month in 2025 there will be three Advanced Craft classes as the previous two years of classes repeat. And this pattern will go into the future a number of years.

So in 2025, all 18 Advanced Craft Classes are offered, three every two months.

I said on a workshop a while back that if a person took all 18 Advanced Craft classes over a two or three year period, and wrote like crazy during those same years, they would gain an awareness of Stage Four fiction writing. And I still think that is true.

All 18 classes build a picture of how an advanced fiction writer thinks about craft and storytelling and offers up a ton of the tools they use.

We are very proud of this series of classes. The first 12 have been great fun to do and I am looking forward to the last six.

Twelve Days of Workshop Sales…

General Information… We are going to offer one new workshop a day for 12 days on sale. (Yes, you can get a previous day’s class as well, but the discounts on the earlier classes may decrease as the sale goes on, so better to grab one sooner than wait.)

We will reveal each workshop and sale price each day here.


The first six months of classes in 2025 are 50% off if you use the code with each class. Also, all three yearly bundles of classes are 50% off as well.  6 classes from 2023, 6 from 2024, and 6 coming in 2025. All 18 are offered in 2025.

Just figure out either the Advanced Craft bundle or the class in the first six months you want on WMG Teachable and hit purchase and then put in the code on the next page and hit apply and you will get the Advanced Craft Class or the full year’s bundle at 50% off.

Code to get any class or any of the three yearly bundles 50% off on each is… Craft50

Classes are:

2023 Bundle…

  • Advanced Pacing
  • Advanced Character Development
  • Floating Viewpoints
  • Advanced Voice
  • Advanced Conflict
  • Unputdownable

2024 Bundle…

  • Advanced Dialog
  • Advanced Humor
  • Advanced Endings
  • Advanced Information Flow
  • Advanced Genre
  • Advanced Emotion

2025 Bundle…

  • Advanced Rule of Three
  • Advanced Setting
  • Advanced Cliffhangers
  • Advanced Novel Structure
  • Advanced Tension/Suspense
  • Advanced Making Stuff Up


All are 50% off if you use the code with each class. Just find the Monday class you want on WMG Teachable first and second pages and hit purchase and then put in the code on the next page and hit apply and you will get the Quarter or the full year’s bundle of either one at 50% off.

Code to get any quarter or either bundle of four quarters 50% off on each is… Publishing50

These two classes are like the Creative Survival, Bite-Sized Copyright, Motivational Monday, and Decade Ahead classes we have done over the last three years. There are four videos for each class every Monday morning for all 52 weeks of 2025.

Each quarter is $500 normally and the bundle of each is $1500 normally. So for this sale, each quarter is $250 with the sale and the bundle is $750.  (That’s right, $750 gets you a full year of learning every Monday morning.)

If you want to take both the full year of Publishing Monday and Bite-Sized Branding and Trademark classes, write me and I can get you both for $1,000, a $500 savings over and above half price. Not a deal that will last.

Both these classes are on WMG Teachable first and second pages. Descriptions there. Join me every Monday morning for a ton of stuff about publishing and sales or a ton of information about branding and trademark, or both.

DAY 3…. Any of the Eight FOCUS STUDY CLASSES…

All are 50% off if you use the code with each class. Just find the Focus Bundle you want on WMG Teachable first page and hit purchase and then put in the code on the next page and hit apply and you will get the Focus Bundle for 50% off.

Code for all eight to get 50% off on each is… Focus50

Each bundle has seven classes or workshops focused on the topic of the Focus Bundle. The seven classes in each one are under Bundled Content on the left.

Here are the eight Focus Bundles of Classes…

  • Focus on Learning Depth
  • Focus on Learning Beyond Simple Depth
  • Focus on Learning Writing Attitude
  • Focus on Learning Basic Writing Business
  • Focus on Learning Basic Licensing and Copyright
  • Focus on Learning to Write Science Fiction
  • Focus on Learning Productivity
  • Focus on Learning Characterization

Normally each Focus Bundle of seven classes is $500, but for a short time in this holiday sale, they are half price at $250. And yes, you can get more than one bundle.



All are 50% off if you use the code with each challenge. You get the full price back in credits if you do not hit the challenge, if you hit it, you will get a Beautiful Trophy Award and more, including on two of them Lifetime Subscriptions.

(Lifetime Everything Subscribers, write me for the code if interested in going for a Beautiful Trophy Award.)

— Challenge… Write 2025 Words A Day for 2025… $600 full price, half price code is:


— Challenge… Write as Many or More Words in 2025 as Dean does… $600 full price, half price code is:


— Challenge… Write Half as Many Words in 2025 as Dean does… $300 full price, half price code is:


Just find the challenge you want on WMG Teachable first page and hit purchase and then put in the code on the next page and hit apply and you will get the challenge for 50% off. They will be great fun once again this year.

(No credits for challenges. Can’t use credits to get more credits I’m afraid.)



How it works… You send me one of your own short stories. Both Kris and I will read it very quickly, within a day or so, discuss it, and suggest from what we see in your story what class you could take to really improve your writing craft. Then we will give you a code to take that class for no extra charge.

That’s right, both Kris and I read your short story, suggest a class to jump your skill level, and then give you a code to take the class when you want for free. How cool is that???

Cost is $200.  Write me and I will tell you where to send the fee and also where to send the short story and with what subject line. (No subscriptions or credits apply on this one. No worries, they will on classes coming up.)

Questions on first five days of this sale, write me.

And remember, as the sale goes on, the earlier discounts will reduce.


One Comment

  • Rita Crossley

    Hi Dean,
    The new Publishing 50 for 2025 sounds like a great deal. Please sign me up.
    Looks like we both have a lot of things to learn.
    Please let me know the $ amount and best way to send it to you.
    Rita C