Challenge,  workshops

Talked About The Problems of Fantasy Maps Today…

Doing Maps and Great Fantasy Characters…

Two really amazing special workshops only available through our Kickstarter campaign for just four more days.

Barkson’s Journey, the novel, would have been out a year ago if not for the problems with doing a map. That’s why we are doing this workshop with this class. If you ever think you will be using a map for anything in the future, this course will save you more time and problems and money than you can imagine.

We talked about that today on Writer Direct (a webinar on that happens every Friday at 4pm and you can get information on the store.) After this Kickstarter is finished, we might talk about it even more there. But here is the information on the workshop and how to get them on the Kickstarter.

Barkson’s Journey Kickstarter…

For the writers who love to write stories and learn the craft and business of writing, we are offering some very, very special treats through this Kickstarter campaign. These will only be offered through this campaign and nowhere else, so don’t miss them.


This is a special three-week workshop on how to create and use fantasy maps in 2024. How to use them for major discoverability and to make great money with them. 

And there is a short story to write for the third week’s assignments that Kris will read.

This special workshop on making fantasy maps will only be offered through this Kickstarter. Plus, you get the brand-new Fey novel Barkson’s Journey.


Lucinda Barkson in Barkson’s Journey is a great main character. Powerful and unique. This is a special three-week workshop on how to create great fantasy main characters that will hold your readers in your stories and keep readers coming back in series.

And there is a short story to write for the third week’s assignments that Kris will read.

This special workshop will only be offered through this Kickstarter. Plus, you get the brand-new Fey novel Barkson’s Journey.

— Get Both!!

You can get both special workshops under the $250 reward level or as an add-on. In two short classes you will take your fantasy publishing to another level.

These special workshops will only be offered through this Kickstarter. Plus, you get the brand-new Fey novel Barkson’s Journey.

Both three-week classes will be offered starting May 21st or June 4th. Your choice. They will not interfere if you are taking other workshops at the same time.

Check it out at Barkson’s Journey Kickstarter (The New Fey Novel Kickstarter,)