• Challenge,  Misc

    Questions or Topics?

    A Lazy Saturday Night… Since I did not feel up to writing another chapter in the branding book as I had planned to do tonight, I thought I would open this up on this weekend night to questions you would like to have me answer or topics you would like to have me discuss or write a blog about. Email me or put them here as comments. If nothing because this is the time of great forgetting, I will just keep on entertaining myself with things that interest me in some fashion or another. Note: For anyone who missed getting a class or workshop they wanted, the code for the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Challenge Questions

    As I Normally Do… I am getting questions on these new challenges. So here are some answers. — When can I start? With the short story challenge, you start when you turn in a story to me. That starts the clock ticking and each week you need to turn in a story following the instructions. Any time in the next month or so. With the novel challenge, you write me and tell me you are starting. Two months later from that date is the deadline, so you can make sure you are ready to start before you tell me, just don’t have any words written. This can be any time…