Short Time Left on Two Offers…
Basically Both End Sunday Night… Offer #1… If you sign up for the Adventure In-Person class next August taught by Kris, I will help you get ready by reading one of your stories every two weeks and giving you feedback to help make the next story better. Information a few posts back. Offer #2... For the first time in eight years, we are opening up for the LIFETIME IN-PERSON subscription. $3,000 fee, no discounts or credits. Write me for details. This covers your fees in any in-person class and also gives you access to the study along classes. But both of these offers will only be open until Sunday night.…
Offers That Will Vanish Shortly… A summary of offers that are vanishing shortly as we head into the summer months. Details below on each… 1 Write Stuff Bundle one day left. (update: finished and deleted from this post) 2 Lecture Subscriptions . Just a week or so left. 3 Strengths Workshops Just a few weeks left. 4 Novel and Short Story Challenges June 1st. —————— NEW SPECIAL LECTURE SERIES STARTED I will record six new lectures in May and through June. One new lecture per week in this special series will be added. Each lecture will consist of between 9 and 15 videos. These are Advanced, Advanced lectures, taking up where the…