• Challenge,  workshops

    Focus Bundle to Learn Characterization…

    Again, By Writer Request… Got off my bundle schedule for another day and did a F0cus Bundle on Characterization and how to write great characters. I am sure having a good time grouping these classes and putting them in an order to be the best to learn. We did so many of these classes over a number of years and not in this order. We just weren’t that smart to them in order. (grin) If you have a lifetime subscription to the Workshops, you have most of this one already. Of course, Everything Subscriptions and Lifetime Workshop subscriptions are half price right now in this bundle sale. See below for…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Four Focus Bundles Now Available…

    New Science Fiction Focus Bundle Up Today… Here is the list of the four Focus Bundles now available and the classes in them. FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN DEPTH… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is… 1… Depth 2… Advanced Depth 3… Applied Depth 4… Research 5… Born on Page One 6… Automatic Depth 7… Depth in Action FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN PRODUCTIVITY… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is… 1… Productivity 2… Clean First Draft 3… Writing into the Dark 4… Speed 5… Prolific 6… Pulp Speed 7… Stamina FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN BASIC WRITING BUSINESS The order to take the classes inside the…