• Challenge,  Topic of the Night

    Estate Topic…

    Not Really Part of Branding… But I will take a pass at estates in branding and copyright and trademark, but just not tonight. And I got back working on a novel tonight, so a couple of workshops will start a little later tomorrow than normal. Not really sorry. (grin) Tonight’s short post comes from a question I got… Basically what do you need to do to be a literary executor for another writer? First off, say no. Just no. You are not suited to do it and don’t have the time and make up. thousand other reasons. Just say no. Now, you are stuck doing it. (You can always decline…

  • News

    Big Estate Move

    Ready as We Can Be… Worked until almost 1 a.m. at the estate house. Packing boxes and sorting through garbage. As I told Kris tonight, our friend’s house is one-third the size of our house and had ten times the amount of stuff in it. Chris York and J. Steven York came by again today and worked for hours with me. Lifesavers. And Kris brought me food and drink and checked in at times to make sure I wasn’t buried under a pile of garbage. Steve tackled a garage that I had just walked the trail through, afraid to even look around. He found some really amazing stuff out there in…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Throwing Away A Life

    Estates and Writing and Some Observations… Today I found myself back in the position once again of going through someone’s personal papers and tossing them in a black bag.  Old financial records, old pictures of her and her husband, a few journals, 4-H ribbons, letters from home during the Peace Corp years. You know… details about a life well-lived. Just over five years ago, I found myself doing the same thing for another friend. His name was Bill Trojan and was a well-known book dealer in the sf world. I realized he had numbers of degrees. I tossed away his old wedding pictures and all his medical records that told…