• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    AI Not Protected Under Copyright…

    Decision Upheld on Friday… Here in the States, and in different forms in Europe and other countries as well, all forms of AI generated art and text cannot be protected under copyright law and the Berne Convention and thus hold no copyright. You can’t own it. No one does. Last March the copyright office issued decisions on that, and a Federal judge on Friday stood with the copyright office. This is an oh-oh of major proportions for any of you using AI for art or text. To own a piece of work, it must have human creativity. You have an AI cover on one of your books and yet you…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Some AI Opinions

    Watching AI Like Everyone Else… And getting a ton of questions about the different aspects of AI as it applies to writing and the Indie world of publishing. So let me give you my opinions on the three areas right now here in February 2023. This will date quickly I am sure. So if you read this six months from now, I hope to do another update about then. AI Audio… It is here, pretty amazingly good, and getting better by the day. And numbers of companies are jumping on board (I know of at least three major.) As always, read the terms of service. I see no reason not…