Challenge,  On Writing

Story #28… Poker Boy

I Will Do a Full List After the 1st…

But still going… Story #28…

Two title halves were “Who You Calling…” and “Sweet Cheeks…” No idea what “Who You Calling Sweet Cheeks?” was going to be about until I started typing and up popped Poker Boy.

Started it in the afternoon this time, got about 700 words done and the rest about 1 this morning, finishing fast and easy. Love stories that do that. I just kept typing until I found the end.

I will do a word count as well, and I got to do an introduction and covers to the first collection. Kris has now read eleven of the stories. One tonight she said to send to Queen, but not doing that. (grin)

So more on the publishing side as the week goes on.

By the way, my character Marble Grant has her own Kickstarter in a week or so. (I have done five new Marble Grant stories in this challenge so far. I am sure more to come. I miscounted the other day.)

Here is the link to it. Marble Grant Kickstarter

Take a look at the promotions page if you get a chance. Starts on the 4th. Going to be great fun.