Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

Story #19 in 19 Days…

Yes, It Is Getting Easier…

Belief system in the creative voice is back solidly. Like I tell others, after life rolls, the writing is still there and sometimes a little stronger. Working out that way for me.

Today I started off by spell-checking three of the earlier stories so I am about 7 stories ahead of Kris reading now. She liked the first two. Yay. But if she doesn’t, I will still publish them as is. But nice she is liking them.

We walked to lunch. Beautiful winter day. I then watched some football, had a nap, cooked dinner, then after recording a workshop I spent far, far too much time trying to figure out the books for the coming Marble Grant Kickstarter. That’s going to be a fun one.

So after watching part of a new Cameron Diaz movie with Kris, I worked more on the Marble Grant books, then fired up on a new story. Two title halves got me “A Touch of Adjustment” and since my brain was on Marble Grant, I wrote a Marble Grant story. Go figure. Creative voice really in control.

Story #19 in 19 days.

Finished just under 2,000 words at 3:30.

Back with some publishing comments in the next few days. I am trying to calm down after a Jane Freedman newsletter that was beyond stupid. She is a shill for traditional publishing, sure. But someone forwarded me this month’s newsletter from her and I am still angry at the stupidity and what she is doing to writers. I’m starting to think she is pretty smart and truly evil at the same time. Deadly combination.

I might talk about it if I can calm down enough. Maybe. Her attitude is so off planet, I’m honestly not sure. (Put it this way, she thinks it is a good idea for a writer to get a publicist almost a year ahead of their book release, even though she admits a publicist can’t do much for a writer in this modern world, if anything.)

By the way, a normal publicist would cost a writer almost $30,000 for the year, paid by the writer not the publisher.

It gets worse. Not kidding. And sadly, uninformed writers are going to follow that advice and lose their money and their dreams.